Chapter Five

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A few seconds went by but luckily for me the awkwardness didn’t last long thanks to a small Filipino woman. Louie’s Mom. She told us to quickly come inside as they were having a ‘teen slow dance’. I walked my way back to the hall when I felt a hand grab mine; Darnmy looked at me smiling then pulled me into the hall with him.

“Care to Dance?” He said, still smiling. We danced for a long time, he was a really good dancer!

Darnmy had both his hands on my waist and my hands were placed on his shoulders, I played with his hair while we danced making him giggle like a girl.

“So… You like me?” He said confidently.

“Umm” I let out, thinking of what to say. “Is it…weird?” This made Darnmy smile for some reason.

“Shy girl!” He said in a cute voice.

I pushed him lightly. “I’m not shy though”

“Yes you are” he said, exaggerating the ‘are’.

“How do you know?” I snapped back playfully.

“Shy people always question their statements, in your case; you think that saying you like me is weird.”

“It’s okay…” He continued. “… I have that effect on girls” He joked.

I poked him and laughed into his chest as he hugged me tightly.

The rest of the night went on the same way, we just stayed together talking, I never knew he was this sweet.

My phone beeped; a message from my mom.

Mom: We’re going now, or would you like to stay at Angelica’s house again?

I chose to stay at Angelica’s since it was summer holidays, she always has fun things to do on the holidays, or whenever I am at her house.

Darnmy had to leave too so we went together to get his things from her house, “Is that everything?” I asked as did a 180 degrees turn to face him.

“Yeah, almost.”

“Almost?” I said, I was about to ask what he was missing when he placed his soft lips upon mine. I could feel butterflies rushing through me, as his silky hair tickled my face.  It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. It was right, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside me changed, never to be reversed.

Wow. He’s a really good kisser.

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