Chapter Two

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The next morning was such a rush, all the girls were at our house getting ready downstairs and the guys were upstairs. “Louise! Can you pass me the!”

“What would you like me to pass you, Tita?” She pointed her lips in the direction where the thing she wanted was.

“This?” I said handing her the hair curler.

“Yes! Thank you darling and can you give this to Darnmy” She said handing me a light blue tie. Seriously? I’m still in a towel.

I went upstairs into the bedroom where Darnmy was changing and closed the door behind me; he was doing his hair in the mirror. Wow, he has such nice hair <3 “Your tie” I said.

“Help me” I raised my eyebrow and climbed onto the bed, he faced me and I put the tie around his neck.

“If you’d like… I’d be more than happy helping you into your dress.” He said winking.

He came closer to me pressing against the thin pink towel.

“Oh shit!” I quickly finished doing his tie and jumped off the bed and into the wardrobe behind him.

“We have like 5 minutes and I’m still not ready!” He helped me take out my blue satin dress from the packed wardrobe.

I stood looking at him and he sat himself down staring at me. I coughed and gave him the MOTHA-FUCKA TURN YO PERVERTED ASS AROUND look.

“Leave!” I shouted.

“I’m not looking”


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“Three minutes left, hurry!” He said smiling.

I hid inside the closet trying to change in the small space when I fell over and on to Darnmy who was sitting on the bed. He burst out laughing and stood up staring at me in my bra and underwear. He then took the dress from my hand and put it over me. “Was that so hard?” He said doing up my zip. He then took my shoes, kneeled down and once they were on he took me by the hand and we went downstairs. Just on time.

We walked behind everyone else into the hall and occasionally Darnmy would whisper things like “I liked your bra” or “cute underwear”.

We were outside the hall and Darnmy suddenly stopped walking causing me to stop with him.

He took my hand, came closer then let go of my hand and took out some blue delphiniums. Awww <3 “Here you go” He said smiling.

“aww, they’re beautiful Darnmy!” I said looking into his icy brown eyes.

*cough* “Yeah, they reminded” *cough* “me of you”

He said trying to keep his ‘cool’


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