Bobby 1 (Part 1)

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          I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm going off. I look over to my right to my lovely boyfriend, Bobby, starting to stir. "Why are you getting up so early?" he asked me. "I have a stupid 8am meeting this morning." I tell him. I start to get out of the bed when I feel him grab my arm. "Can't you lay here for 5 more minutes?" he questions. I kiss his cheek and reply "No, I can't be late. My boss would kill me." He groans in response as I make my way to the bathroom to shower. I absolutely hate going to these quarterly meeting. It's always the same thing. Sales, expenses, profits, you name it.

          Once I get of the shower, I walk back into the bedroom to grab my outfit for the day. I settle on a black and white dress and black heels. I return to the bathroom to do my hair and make-up. As I'm finishing up, Bobby walks in and hugs me from behind. I settle into the hug. "Ugh. Today is going to be such a long, boring day." I tell him. "I know, love." He says into my neck as he places a kiss there. I sigh and untangle his arms from my midsection. I turn to face him. He puts two fingers under my chin and lifts my head up just enough for me to look at him in the eyes. "Well, how about this. We go out to dinner tonight?" He suggests. "That would be wonderful." I reply as I place a short but sweet kiss on his lips.

          We're already two hours into this meeting and we haven't even gotten into the "important" stuff yet. I'm just about to fall asleep when I feel my phone vibrate in my lap. I look down to see a text message from Bobby.

Bobby: "How's the meeting?"

Me: "I want to stab everyone."

Bobby: "Don't get blood on your dress. We have dinner reservations at seven."

Me: "Love you for enabling me."

Bobby: "Love you too."

I put my phone away and continue to be bored out of my mind.

          The meeting lasted 4 and a half hours. After I gathered my things, I went to my office to start on my work for the day. After a couple of hours of filling out paper work, filing reports, and taking calls, I decided to text Bobby to see where we were going for dinner.

Me: "Hey love, where are we going for dinner?"

Bobby: "Sorry babe. I can't tell you that."

Me: "And why not?"

Bobby: "It's a secret."

I rolled my eyes at his response. What in the world does he have planned.

          As I'm gathering my things to leave the office, I hear my phone ding. Another message from Bobby.

Bobby: "Hey, come by the studio when you leave the office. The Team Edge shoot for today is running a little behind."

Me: "Okay. I'll be there soon."

Bobby: "<3"

I arrive at Hi5 Studios and I'm greeted by Connor. "Hey Y/N!" he says as he hugs me. "Hey Connor. Where's Bobby?" I tell him. "I think he left already." He answered. "Really?" I questioned. "He just text me no more then 15 minutes ago telling me to come here because the Team Edge shoot was running behind schedule." Connor looked confused for a second then said, "Um, yeah! Yeah. Some, um, stuff. Yeah, stuff broke and they had to fix it before they could continue with the challenge." I squinted my eyes and crossed my arms. "Yeah? What was the challenge?" I questioned the now nervous looking gamer. He started to squirm. "Um, hey I gotta go. You can hangout in my office until they, uh, get done. Bye!" He ran past me and out the door. " Connor!" I yelled out after him but to no avail, he was already gone.

          I sighed and went to go sit in Connor's office. Something was definitely going on here. I pull out my phone and text Bobby.

Me: "What's going on? Where are you? And why is Connor acting weird?"

I wait a few minutes and recive no reply. I decide to call him. I dial his number and it just keeps ringing until finally his voice mail answers. "Hey, you've reached Bobby. Leave a message and I'll get back to when I can." I groaned and slouch down in Connor's chair. 30 minutes later I hear a door open and close then people talking. I walk out to see Bobby, Bryan, Joey and Gunner all walking into the main office area. They are all still wearing their Team Edge shirts. Bryan is the first to notice me. "Hey Y/N/N!" Once he greets me, everyone else follows suit. I greet everyone and walk up to Bobby. "I tried calling and texting you." I told him. "Sorry, Babe. Shoot ran late." He replied. "Then why was Connor acting strange when I brought it up?" I asked. "He's Connor. He's a strange kid." He laughs. I cut my eyes at this response. "Why did he run out of the office when I asked him what the challenge was." Bobby was starting to look nervous now. "Uh, I don't know..." He said. " What was the challenge?" I questioned. "Uh, um." He started, then Bryan cut in, "We were doing the giant soccer challenge." Everyone nodded and agreed with a collective "Yeah" Bobby used this break in my stare to say, "I'm gonna go change and then we can get going, okay?" Bobby doesn't give me chance to respond before he kisses my temple and walks away. I look at the remaining 3 guys and say, "Giant soccer ball challenge, huh?" They all reply with a "Yup!" and they all go to god knows where. What going on?

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