Chapter 1

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Before anyone of you comments about the spelling and grammar, I haven't edited it, I will edit it when I'm done with the story.


- Rosey

I woke up really annoyed from my alarm, people might find it weird but I set my alarm to the most annoying ring I find.

I went to dress up and get ready for my internship, I wore a simple navy dress knee length and it has long sleeves, I applied little bit of make up on and I was ready to go.

I arrived extra early as usual, my job mainly consist of me going to some parties and writing a small article and reports about them which usually don't get published since I'm only an "intern" as Meghan quoted it's frustrating. By parties I don't mean going to clubs they usually are dinner parties, charity events etc. of some rich/famous people which are mostly boring.

I greeted the people there and I sat on my desk to check my schedule for the week. I got two parties this week one of them is an opening for a new gallery in Beverly Hills, sounds fancy yeah? I thought to myself, and the other one is a charity event. The gallery opening is tomorrow I should go shopping i wrote it down so I won't forget.

"Good morning Bella." Adam said smiling.

"Good morning to you too Adam." I smiled.

"Coffee?" He asked while holding an extra cup of coffee.
He added "oh you don't drink coffee I forgot." he smiled.

I replied with a smile, and he left.

My boss Meghan came by my desk and she said "Don't forget tomorrow's opening I'll be there too, many important people will be there , so wear something nice" she gave me a warm a smile.

"Yes sure." I smiled back.

rolled my eyes when she left. The usual stereo type parties, I'm not complaining but the people at the party there despite the fact that they're old mature people they all act like they're still in high school.

Meghan wasn't really old she was maybe in her early thirties you could say? she's actually really pretty with blonde hair and nice figure.

After work I went shopping and I found a really nice plain black dress which I totally fell in love with,
it was knee length and it was backless and long sleeves it was simple yet very elegant.

The next day
At 3 I started getting ready because I don't know who will I see there, Meghan said that the owner of the magazine which I work in Mr Christian styles will be there at the party. Going to parties doesn't fascinate me but I still love writing. I'm not a whiner I swear.

By 5:30 I was ready, I had a late lunch and I waited for Meghan to come and pick me up as she promised.

The opening is at 7, and we left at 6, it was a 15 minutes drive but with LA's traffic the drive will sure be longer.

Around 6:10
Meghan came and picked me up surprisingly we arrived in 20 minutes.

The place was beautiful, it was decorated with all white and some gold, I didn't expected it to be like that I wrote down some notes about the place, the place was packed with people many people I've never met in my life, Meghan left me shortly after we arrived. I started wandering around the place and looking at the art work there which was truly beautiful.

I saw Meghan pointing at me and talking to some guy I couldn't figure out who it was because they were far and my sight isn't that great either

shortly after Meghan waved at me to come join her

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