Chapter 4

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The next day

I woke up on time as usual, I got ready I made light breakfast and I was ready to go

It was just like any other day at the office

A week has passed by and I attended the other party which was a charity event, nothing interesting happened it consisted mainly on old rich people challenging each other of who can pay more but on the bright side it was for a good cause

On Friday

I'm so ready for the weekend I wanted to go to the beach

as I was getting ready to head outside of the office Meghan's voice stopped me

"Bella come in here"

I went to her office and I thought she was going to give me the list of next weeks events

"Bella, Mr styles is throwing a party at his place and all the staff are invited, it's for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the magazine"

"But I'm just an intern, I don't have to go right?"

I was hoping she'll say no, I'm so bored of these parties, I just wanted to go to the beach

"No everyone has to come and you won't be working it's a celebration"
She continued "it's Saturday evening which is tomorrow, and you can bring a plus one if you like"

I nodded and I existed the office

I felt my phone buzzing and I pressed the green button

"Hey bells haven't heard from you in awhile"

"Oh Brandi I missed you how have you been"

I opened my car and I sat in it, still talking to Brandi on the phone

Brandi is my best friends we have known each other almost our whole life she was more like a sister to me

"Oh Brandi I just remembered, there is a party tomorrow at mr Styles home, and I have to go do you wanna come along?"


I ended the call and I went back home

I opened the tv and the vampire diaries was on I giggled as I remembered Harry's remark the other day

Who's that boy anyway? I only know he's the grandson of the owner of the magazine. I've met mr Christian couple of times. And I've been working at the magazine for almost 5 months now But I've never seen Harry before, it's like he came out of nowhere

The next day I woke up around 11 am was too lazy to make breakfast, so I grabbed a banana, I laid in my couch as I opened the tv and I watched a random show that was on

When I looked at the clock it was 2 pm already, I should start getting ready, I was too lazy to move tho

I stayed in the same position for 1 more hour until I heard a knock on the door, I walked to the door to open it and I was yawning when I did

it was Brandi

"You can't be serious right now" she screamed

"What are you talking about"

"The party remember? You didn't even do your hair. Gosh" she kept rambling and saying how lazy and careless I am

Typical Brandi always worried about everything

She went to my closet and she kept throwing everything on the floor until she handed me a navy strapless dress it was a plain dress but it was beautiful I almost forgot about this dress

Brandi helped me with my makeup and hair we got ready together and by 6:30 we were ready

"Brandi let's go to the beach tomorrow please?"

"Yes sure"

I wanted to go with my car but Brandi insisted on driving me

We reached there, it was a beautiful big mansion just like how I imagined it to be

I held Brandi's hands I suddenly felt scared I didn't want to go in. The place is huge, it terrified me. she looked at me smilingly and she said

"You're scared aren't you?"

I was scared because I've never been to a house this big I don't know something about how big the place was made me terrified all of the sudden

I nodded in response

"Don't be you look beautiful"

Before entering she whispered in my ears

"There are some hot rich boys attending the party right?"

I giggled and I shrugged I don't really know actually all of the events I go to are mostly old people's parties

I was stunt by how amazing the view is, the pool was an infinity pool, and it had sea view which was quite beautiful

I think I was day dreaming because I bumped into someone unintentionally

"Oh sorry" I quickly murmured

"Are you alright?" Brandi said

"Yes I'm fine" I responded

When I looked at her she wasn't even talking to me she was talking to the guy who I bumped into

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