Author's note

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So this is it, this is the end of something I've started 4 months ago in April 2014 and here we are now in August 2014. I have truly enjoyed this journey, despite the ups and downs. I won't say it was easy because I reached some points where I didn't even know where the story was going, I had it all planned out before I even started writing but when I started writing it I changed lots of things without realizing that which made me reach a point where I had to stop and take a break to look back at everything to be able to continue.

I wrote the last chapter couple days ago but I didn't want to upload it because that will mean that it's the end, and I'm not good at letting go of things, this story has became a part of me, something I've spent the past 4 months writing including my whole summer, so it was hard to suddenly realize that's this is the end of the journey, they usually say writers don't get emotional while writing but I can actually say that I cried couple of times writing some of the chapters.

Thank you to every single person who read my story and voted, and to every person who shared their thoughts about it, you are the reason that kept me going, you're comments motivated me to write more and more, and I don't understand why some writers get annoyed when they get comment like please update because to me those are the comments that kept me on track and reminded me to update, at first I started by updating everyday it was fun because everything was still fresh in my mind, but later on I didn't have the same amount of time I had when I first started writing it, so I'm sorry if I kept you guys waiting I read stories as well and I know how it feels. And the last but not lease I wanted to say is thank you all I appreciate every single one of you thank you to every person who clicked on my story and gave it a chance I love you all.

I won't think of this as the end, I'll think of it as the start of something even bigger

lastly if you want to read more stories that I've written I started writing a new story its called "What if" and I hope you would enjoy it as much as you enjoyed this one


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