Bonus Chapter : Enter, Jake's Views

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Life could be so boring.

And I thought I'd continue believing it.
That is, until I met her.

Now, to be honest, I never really thought much of girls. Being a rich cliché kid, you'd think I'd probably date a lot of girls but that just wasn't me. I yearned for adventure since the beginning of time. As I had spent most of my childhood being looked after by servants and only ever getting enough time with my parents during festive seasons like Christmas, indifference to trivial things was in my blood. But that doesn't mean, it influenced my personality. My mind's mould was shaped accordingly by the people who had always been around me. One such very important guy was Luke. And of course, you know how sickly he was. So most of the time, it was just me and the walls at home; my group of jocks and their like at school.

Another fact was that I didn't particularly hate my life. I was just looking for that right moment, that right person who could introduce something different, like really different, in it.

And one such day did arrive.
The day I met her.
Morelike, the day I noticed her, because she'd been there all along but had been a part of the "isolated invisibles".
I was entering the classroom with my boys (I was the leader of the group only because my parents were the richest. I swear, elite schools can be so overbearing at times), when this weird girl with brazen ponytails walked up, fake tripped into my arms and the whole class went crazy (except the guys of course). And all I noticed is that one scoff the girl sitting in the farthest and loneliest corner shot at me.

Now I knew it was cliché and that girl's scoff was cliché and the whole situation was pretty goddamned cliché so in my head, I was like, Hey! Why not try and go along with this "clicheness" then?
So that's exactly what I did.
And trust my blonde head on this, I did not regret it.

It's true, at first I was like, Now she'll definitely ignore me and play hard-to-get like all nerds do for heaven's sake.
And she did. But she did it in the most unlikeliest way possible. At least, that's what I thought.

Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to play with her or her feelings or anything for that matter but when I realised that she actually lived in the school library, I couldn't deny that I was just the tiniest bit interested.
Oh, who am I kidding? I was interested.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay interested.

'There was such a place here?' I was only messing around. I knew there was a place as such. But I needed her reaction, 'What is behind that door?'
'Nothing! Why are you here?' I had seen so many people put up exteriors, but this was the first time the aspect was supposedly supposed to be . . . Um, rude?
'Just wanted this book.' I held up the copy of "Pride and Prejudice" in my hand. I actually wanted to read it. Seriously.

'I find that really hard to believe.'
My inner soul smirked somehow,
'Suit yourself.'
I was rooted.
'Woah, wait! Don't tell me you live there!' Honestly, I was only joking. But her expression was a prize.
Wow. One of the first times I'd been absolutely on point because girls can be so dang unpredictable.

I'd thought I wouldn't go too deep. Just a light skim maybe. But oh my shit, you had to be kidding me.
So I used one of the oldest tricks in the book— a good old deal with assigned conditions. Although my interest kinda slid a pace when she agreed quite peacefully.

But when I caught her near the wall outside the library and we had a tiny alone moment, her one statement threw me off my feet and miles away.
'Because I don't want you to die.'
I was gaping. I had gaped really hard as she had stomped away.
Because she didn't want me to die?!
Who the—
Was she a daughter of some gangster? Or a part of some worldwide group that had connections with the underworld and could kill anyone with just a flick of the finger and a slip of the tongue?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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