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- skyler morgan (next day)

third period was finally over. time for lunch. i've only seen yoandri once today, but he didn't see me.

i walked into the cafeteria and stood in line. the line went rather fast and i got a sandwich, an apple, and a juice box. the food isn't really that good, but i don't like being at school with an empty stomach.

alejandro came over to my table with a plate filled with fries and a burger. his favorite. it was really the only decent thing in the cafeteria.

we both started to eat, not saying much. i look up from my plate, and i see yoandri with a plate of food, walking in our direction. my heart skipped a beat.

"don't turn around. he's coming," i mumbled.

"hm," ale said, and he turned around to see who i was talking about. i mentally face palmed myself.

he finally reached to our table, "h-hi i um.. c-can i sit here?" he asked, not making eye contact.

"yeah sure that's fine." ale said. "anyway, i have to go. sky i'm gonna be with the boys if you need anything okay?"

"okay," i mumbled.

"bye man," ale said as he shook yoandri's hand.

he didn't say anything, but shake his hand back. he looked scared. worried. i'm not sure.

we sat there in silence. neither of us ate. i'm scared to ask or say anything. he finally spoke up.

"um... do you- c-can i trust you?" he mumbled.

i hesitated, "of course you can. tell me anything," i said assuring him.

he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. he shook his head and looked down, "i can't," his voice cracked, "i'm sorry."

"hey," i held his hand massaging it with my thumb, " don't worry. you don't have to rush with this, okay? if you want, we can exchange numbers. maybe it's better over text."

he looked at me. his eyes were glossy, yet, they were so beautiful. big and brown. why would anyone cause a person like him so much pain? "thank you, thank you so much," he whispered. his voice was raspy, but so soothing to me. we exchanged numbers right before the bell rang.

"you want me to walk you to your class?" i asked him.

"uh- no but i-i can walk you if y-you want." he stuttered.

"yeah that's fine," i smiled as we got up and threw away our plates.

as we were walking, i held my binder tightly against my chest.

i looked towards yoandri, and he was staring at the ground. his breathing seemed, fast. he looked up, and his breath hitched. i look in the direction he was staring at and it was those two boys from the other day. i hate them. yoandri scooted closer to me, and our bodies were now touching.

the boys passed by and his breathing became normal. he noticed the friction between us and left a space between him and i, and apologized. only seconds after and i already miss his warmth.

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