Four- eleven

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used to have smut but i decided it didnt flow with the story so i am replacing it, sorry if this capter is unfinished.
Mike walks in the room after being dragged off by Nancy.
He's looking at me in a weird way, so I look back at him.
E: why are you looking a me like that?
he doesn't reply
E: mike...
he finally speaks up
M: its nothing el..
he looks down, if i didn't know better, i'd say he's ashamed. i roll my eyes at him and grab his hand. We walk downstairs together. And go up too hopper
M: hey hop, me and el wanted some alone time, so can we go out into the woods?
He didn't know what he meant by ' alone time' but he assumed that it meant that they just wanted to sit and talk, catch up.
H: sure kids, but don't go too far.
Hopper really was an understanding guy. We walked outside towards the woods. After we had gone a ways in, and was no longer in ear nor eye shot of the house. we sat down, i sat in his lap and with his  back against a tree. that we just kinda spoke. it was a bit forced at first but after that we just settled into regular conversation. i turned around, still in his lap, to face him. the boy that can make me feel all sorts of things.  i placed my lips against his, gently. i could feel him smile a bit and kiss me back. we kissed for about 3 minutes before stopping, and i asked him the long overdue question.
E: mike?
M: yeah el?
E: what is... love?
i hesitated before saying it, not wanting to get it wrong and embarrass myself.
M: oh. love. that is.. hard to describe. but i can give it a go.
he takes in a breath, before giving me the long overdue answer
M:love is... wanting to spend all your time with someone. wanting to be by their side until the day you die. love is an intense feeling of like or admiration.
he stops for a second.
M: loveisthefeelingthatihaveforyou
E: huh?
he sighs.
M: love is the feeling that i have for you
E: ok... and what does love feel like?
M: love feels like butterflies, in your stomach, a feeling of light headed-ness whenever your around the person you love. and the hope that they feel the same. love feels like whenever the person you love is with you, you could do anything, as long as they are by your side...
he trails off, looking into the woods, then, he looks down at me, and he smiles.
M: which is why i say, love is the feeling i have for you.... i love you el.
for some reason, him saying those 3 words, 8 letters over joyed me. he loved me... it felt truly amazing. i couldn't help but say it back.
E: mike... i love you too.
he grinned at me, before hugging me really tight, we are interrupted by someone crashing through the trees.  dustin eventually shows himself.
D: guys, hopper told me to tell you to get your asses back to the byers house.


we walked back to wills place to be greeted with loads of questions, some include: " where were you?" and "what were you guys doing in the woods?" we vaguely answered all of the questions without telling anyone of the little moment we shared.  it turns out we were told to come back because joyce had made dinner. after that, el went to see will. when she came back out,  everyone ran to the back garden. i helped when i found out we were going to try to bring that thing out of will, so we put cardboard along the walls of the shed so the mind flayer/ shadow monster wouldn't know where will actually was.   when he woke up he began thrashing about, so hopper wrapped his arms around him to get him to calm down. we told him stories of things that happened  in the past to try and bring the real will out. after he just simply stated.
W: let. me. go.
all of us sighed in annoyance. then hopper noticed him tapping his hand against the chair. hope. hopper drew what he was tapping, which turned out to be Morse code. when we looked it over, we realised it read: HERE. so we knew will was still in there.  so we told him more stories. alot more. soon, we had 2 words written in Morse code. these words were : CLOSE GATE. joyce turned around in the dining room when el walked in.
J: el, you opened this gate before right?
el nodded.
J: do you think you could close it?
el nodded again.
so we all walked to the kitchen to make a plan.
JO: we need a place to keep will, he will wake up soon.
suddenly, i had a thought.
M: wait! we cant just close the gate, because if the brain dies, the body dies
( MA=max_)
MA:yeah, isn't  that the whole point?
M: but, the body is the army, and will is part of that army. closing the gate will kill him.
J: we need a way to get that thing out of him.
joyce walks to will.
J: wait.. he likes it cold..
she walks to the window and closes it.
J: we keep giving it what it wants!
i think i know what she's saying.
J: we need to burn it out of him.
we all go back to the kitchen, and discuss how. here is the plan:
nancy and steve go look for heaters
jonathan and joyce and nancy go to the cabin in the woods where hopper kept el to burn it out of him when nancy and steve get heaters
hopper and el go close the gate when given the all clear
steve looks after mike, lucas, dustin and max at the byers house.
once the plan is set, everyone goes to do there respective parts. once all heaters are found, jonathan, nancy, joyce and will speed off towards the cabin. steve of course stays put and hopper and el drive off too. once only the boys and max are left, i instantly begin to pace. max and lucas are sorting ot the glass on the floor. until lucas speaks up
L: dude, will you stop pacing! they will be back.
so i snap back.
M; you weren't there! that lab is swarming with those dogs-
D: demo dogs!
M: theres no way the could reach the gate safely.. wait..
i have an idea,
M: the demo dogs were called to the tunnels, so if we could distract them, the shadow monster would call them there-
D: away from the gate! perfect.
S: nope. not happening. we are not going out there. we were told to stay. so thats what we will do. do i make myself clear?
he repeats
S: do i make myself clear?
ALL: yes sir..
we are cut off by hearing a car roaring in the backround.
M: oh no... its my brother, he will kill me if he knows im here.
soon enough. steve is outside, laying on the floor and billy bursts in here, max stood at the end of the hallway.
oooh what will happen next? im sure you know as this is actually based off the season 2 ep 8/9. so you most likely know. but, as mentioned, there used to be smut in this chapter but i completely changed it as it just didnt fit.  plus i knew i was gonna get backlash from it. so i changed it. it is mentioned in the next chapter, so i have to chnge that as well. seeya later.

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