Chapter 2- High School

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Narrator-  11 years on the two friends are just as close still look the same and are even more beautiful however, it's high school time and Amber and Everleigh holding hands smiling proudly walk  into high school for the first time.

"omg Amber I can't believe we finally started high school" 
"I know right this place is massive compared to primary school" amber replies
" I am gald we are in the same form group" says Everleigh
"Same we have been together since the day we were born and  nothing will change that" says Amber hugging her tightly "I'm glad I have you but please let go your hurting me" she laughs
"Oh sorry" replies Amber smiling and they go hand in hand off to Form
As they step into form everyone looks at them weirdly and start asking if they are twins which they replied with no, then they asked if they were sisters they replied with no again. The girls just sat talking quietly then all of sudden everyone went silent their tutor walked in her name was Miss County "Right class welcome to your very first day" she began to say and she went on about the rules, policys and Greenaway High expectations for the next 4 years. "Right now class I'm going to hand out your time tables OK glue this at the front of your planner please" Amber and Everleigh waited patiently for their timetables as soon as they were given them they Instently  checked to see which lessons they had together. They were together all of the lessons apart from maths as Everleigh wasn't very good at maths but Amber was but this didn't bother them as they had the majority of their lessons together.

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