Chapter 9-Finding A killer

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Everleigh POV

Right to day is the day. I'm of to find the guy who killed my best friend. All these thoughts are going through my head could it be the same person that killed Jess, could of been Amber Dad, Or could of been some random creep. Who ever he is, he is roming free and no one knows he could be on to his next victim but I need to stop him before its too late.

I chucked on a outfit put, curled my lashes and left the house.

I still had a key for Amber place so I decided to look there first it was well creepy something wasn't right. Anyway I continued on with my search I found nothing really until I came across a blooded gun on the floor in the living room I picked it up with a cloth (so I don't get fingerprints on it) I put it in a bag and took it to he police for investigation.

Could my great discovery help find Amber attacker?? I hope so and that the moment that's all I can do is hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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