Chapter 3- cracks starting to show

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So on Tuesday in form Amber whispers "are we alright" she gets ignored she repeats it again and this time Everleigh snaps "what I'm talking" Amber eyes fill with water she covers her face with her hair and quietly cries. She has no idea why Everleigh is acting like this she was fine with her On the Monday And the weekend. AMBER just tried and make the situation better by thinking it's fine maybe something has happened. Everleigh didn't notice that Amber was crying she was too busy talking to this girl Tilley who is a blonde and blue-eyed tall girl who is one of the meanest girls in year 10 she wears makeup and arquilic nails but if you don't meet her requirements she will make your life hell That when it clicked Amber realised she had lost her best Friend of 14 years to the meanest girl in the year.. That Lunch Tilley comes up to Amber and pushes her Into a Wall "Stay Away From Everleigh or I'll make you pay" Everleigh seeing what happening just stands there not doing anything she just watches Amber eyes start watering she escapes and runs for help. She goes to Mrs County who just hugs her. "What's happened Amber"
"Me and Everleigh have lost our connection and I got threatened by Tilley Poole"
"I'm going to report this to Mrs keen and I'll keep a close eye on the situation"

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