Chapter 4- Problems at Home

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Amber's POV

I came home to find my home smashed and my mum crying I asked my mum what's wrong she started to explain that my dad had an affair and left I just ran upstairs I don't know how much of this I can take my Best Friend has left me my dad has disappeared to some one new. All of a sudden
BANG. It was the loudest noise ever it rattled through the house I rushed to see what was going on there was a man in a black mask standing with a gun he shot my mum I ran back upstairs and hid. When he finally left I went to check on my mum I was too late she was dead. I have no one  I packed a rucksack and left my house immediately and  rushed to the police station they took me in and looked after me and gave me some numbers to ring for advice. Did I ring them. No I didn't tell anyone I took it out on my self yes I started self harming no one  found until...

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