boy in a jeep

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      I struggled to breathe as I laid face down on my bed with last night replaying in my mind

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      I struggled to breathe as I laid face down on my bed with last night replaying in my mind.

Stiles had stopped in front of the high school and exited the car without a word. I followed behind him, trying my best to keep up. We stopped inside the chemistry classroom and I almost ran into him when he stopped and stared at the blackboard at the front. He walked towards it slowly and confused, his eyes never leaving the numbers written on there. He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the same numbers on the board, the handwriting almost identical. What confused me the most was the numbers chemical counterparts that spelled out K I Ra.

I groaned out loudly into my bed and placed one of my pillows over my head.

The conversation we had on the way to my house so he could drop me off left me even more confused. I had asked him about the night we were looking for Kira and he had asked Lydia if she could hear anything at that moment. He had sighed as if tired of all the secrets and let everything come out at once.

Apparently, Scott is a werewolf. Some guy named Derek is a werewolf. Allison and her family come from a long line of hunters. And Lydia is a banshee.

First of all, werewolves? Actual werewolves?
Second of all, what the hell is a banshee?
Also hunters?

I let out another loud groan. A loud knock echoed throughout my room and my father opened the door and poked his head inside, "You okay there, honey?"

I mumbled incoherently into my bed, not sure if the words coming out formed an actual sentence. I rolled around when I felt the bed sink a bit and faced my father.

"What's wrong?" He asked with worry in his eyes. I took in a deep breath and stared at him for a minute longer, not exactly knowing what to say. I wasn't much for keeping anything from my dad but this was something I had to keep to myself.

I exhaled, "It's just a lot...with school, you know?"

"Only school?"

"Yup," He raised one of his eyebrows, not believing me. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"So, this has nothing to do with that boy in the jeep?"

My eyes widened for a second. I cleared my throat, pretending I had no idea what he was talking about, "A boy in a jeep? What boy in a jeep? There's no boy or jeep."

"Are you done?" I sighed and nodded, "Good because the non-existent boy with the non-existent jeep is waiting for you downstairs in our very existent house."

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