the ending

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      I sat down at the far end of the couch in the Yukimura's living room with Stiles to my right and Kira on the other side of him

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I sat down at the far end of the couch in the Yukimura's living room with Stiles to my right and Kira on the other side of him.

"Here, have some tea, it'll calm you," Noshiko said and handed Stiles a cup of tea.

He looked down at it before glancing back at Kira's mother, "Like, magic tea?"

"No, it's chamomile," She gives him a small smile.

Kira's father makes his way to us, a worried look on his face, "He's not safe here."

"He's not safe anywhere," His wife retorts.

"But Allison killed one of them, doesn't that mean something? She killed an Oni," Kira informs, her parents exchanged confused glances, saying that they're not sure how that's possible, "But she did it. She killed one of them."

"Yeah, and then they killed her," Stiles speaks up in a soft low voice, "Allison's dead. Now I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying, too."

I placed my right hand on his knee and turned to look at him with a serious expression taking over my face, "Don't say that."

He gives me a weak smile and takes hold of my hand in his, giving it a light squeeze.

Kira's mother takes a seat next to her daughter, keeping her eyes locked on Stiles, "The Nogitsune made a powerful move splitting the two of you."

"So, what's our move?" I ask.

"At this point, you need a divine move," kabuki smiles up at her husband as he speaks.

"In the game of Go, it's what we call a truly inspired or out-of-the-box move," She glances at each of us as she explains, "The Nogitsune has had sente, the advantage, until this point."

"What you need is a divine move in order to turn the game around," Mr. Yukimura finishes.

"Okay, so is anyone feeling divinely inspired?" Stiles asks a hint of sarcasm in his voice which there usually always is.

I turn my attention back to Kira's mother as I ask, "Didn't you trap it in a jar?"

"It wasn't the jar that trapped it, it was where I buried it."

"The Nemeton," I say quietly. It always comes back to that.

"A place I don't know too much about."

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