the beginning

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      Kira stood next to me as we both watched Scott giving Stiles a hug before he was supposed to be going into the MRI machine

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      Kira stood next to me as we both watched Scott giving Stiles a hug before he was supposed to be going into the MRI machine. Kira linked her arm with mine, giving it a light squeeze.

Stiles' lips twitched upwards for a second as he glanced at me, then looked back at his best friend as they pulled apart.

"He's going to be okay, right?" I asked Scott as he walked out of the room.

He inhaled deeply and looked back into the room. When he exhaled he let out, "I don't know."

The three of us left the hospital, deciding to come back later to check up on Stiles.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Kira wondered turning toward me.

I shook my head, "That's okay, I think I'll just walk home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I could use the fresh air," I gave her a small smile. She smiled back, concern written in her eyes.

A loud bang echoed throughout the dark street, causing all of us to look up at the roof of the hospital.

The sparkling power line was slowly making its way down here and it was heading straight for Kira.

It whipped past her but then quickly turned back around. As she backed away, an ambulance drove into the wire instead which caused the truck to go wild and bust open a fire hydrant. The wire lands in the water, electrifying it.

The ambulance driver exits the truck, stepping onto the water which kills him instantly.

"Get back! Everyone, get back!" Kira bellows out with her hands up in front of her.

Suddenly Allison starts running toward the water but Isaac pushes her out of the way and the water rushes over his feet causing him to fall.

I almost feel frozen to the spot as I watch the scene unfold before me.

A man drives through the water then and Kira runs up the hood of the car and does a flip off the roof which puts her right near the live wire.

I watched as she grabbed the wire and smothered it with her hands. Her eyes started to glow yellow.

"He isn't breathing!" Derek's voice breaks me from my trance-like state from watching Kira, "Scott, he isn't breathing!"

Everything that happened next happened fast and almost in a blur.

I watched as they wheeled Isaac into the hospital, burns covering the side of his face. I noticed Kira's mom taking her to the side with a serious expression on her face.

I overheard Deputy Parrish tell the Sheriff that two people saw Stiles' Jeep leave the hospital.

I could feel my anxiety building up inside my chest. It had been doing that a lot lately.

And it was only going to get worse.

Thank you for understanding why there haven't been any updates lately.
I apologize about this chapter being so short and probably not that good, but I wanted to get something out for you!
I'm trying to get back to this!

Also.... I did a thing 🤷🏽‍♂️

 I did a thing 🤷🏽‍♂️

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