hello aspen

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      Scott and I help Stiles back downstairs to the living room where Noshiko is waiting

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Scott and I help Stiles back downstairs to the living room where Noshiko is waiting.

"Do you recognize me?" She asks Stiles and he nods a little, pulling away from us.

Kira rushes through the front door yelling at her mother to stop. Stiles reassures her that it's okay, that it's something that has to be done. She looks back at him with wide eyes, "You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords."

She turns her attention back to Noshiko, "Mom, don't do this."

"It's already done," She simply breathes out.

Two Oni appear inside the living room, one quickly grabbing the back of Stiles' neck and its' eyes start to glow a firefly yellow as he tests him.

The Oni vanish shortly after and Stiles falls to the floor. I walk over to him and kneel down beside him, checking behind his ear, "It worked."

Stiles takes hold of my arm and I help him back up. He looks at Kira's mother, "So, I'm actually me?"

"More you than the Nogitsune."

"Can the Oni find him?"

"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now."

"Can they kill him?" I ask her.

"It depends on how strong he is."

"Well, what about Lydia?" Scott asks her with worry in his voice, "Why would he take her?"

"He would only take her for an advantage," She replies looking at him.

"You mean her power?" I wonder.

"The power of a Banshee," She glances around at all of us before turning her attention to her daughter and they leave shortly after.

I sigh and look up at Stiles, "You should probably go see your dad."

"Yeah," He said in a whisper and glanced at Scott who gave him a small nod and headed towards the front door, "Are you coming?"

I shake my head slightly, "I should head home and face my mother."

His brows furrowed, "Your mom's here?"

"Mh, she showed up the other night demanding to talk to me, saying it was important."

"What was it?" I was quiet for a moment, contemplating whether it was the right time to tell him right now considering everything going on.

"I don't know, I should probably find that out," I gave him a small smile, hoping Scott wouldn't be listening and notice my lie.

"Okay, here," He says and pulls out his car keys from his jacket pocket and places them in my hands, "Take the Jeep, we'll take Scott's moms car."

"Are you sure?"

He nods and a small lopsided smile appears on his face, "Call me if anything happens, okay?"

"I will and you'll call me later to let me know how everything goes?" He nods again and I smile at him as I place my hands on either side of his neck. His skin still felt cold against mine as I kissed him but I tried to push those thoughts to the back of my mind.

I took his hand in mine and followed him out the door. As I watched them drive away all I could think was, do not let anything happen to this Jeep because Stiles will kill you.

Then again, death sounded a lot better than facing my parents at the moment.


I arrived home a little while later and sat in the car for a little longer than that. I exhaled loudly, hoping some of my anxiety would leave my body but no such luck.

I groaned, annoyed with myself and got out of the car. Why was I even acting like this? So I might have inherited some sort of demon powers because of my mother being possessed but it could've been a lot worse, right?

I was about to groan again as I reached the door but I stopped when I noticed it slightly open, my brows furrowed together.

The door let out a small creak as I pushed it open, "Dad?"

An eerie silence followed. I took in a deep breath and glanced towards the living room, the only room with the lights turned on.

I could feel my breath starting to shake the closer I got and when I reached the door frame I could feel my heart sink.

The walls were covered in blood and both my parents' lifeless bodies were lying on the floor. I stood frozen to the spot as if paralyzed.

And that's when I heard it, a light voice from the corner of the room, "Hello Aspen."

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