Skin Like Paper

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I understand why people do it— why they cut themselves. Burn themselves. Hurt themselves. Rip and tare at their physical bodies just so they can get relief from the emotional turmoil burning holes into their souls.

Gliding that sharp razor across their arm, or their leg, a red line of blood left in its wake— to them, it's relief. Either it distracts them from the emotional pain, or it gives them something to feel, when they can't feel anything else.

It's makes them feel better, if only temporarily.

Now, you might be saying to me right now, "But Kylee. You've never cut yourself. How could you possibly understand?"

And my answer to that is I don't. I agree that I can't understand it. I've never felt what those people felt— gone through what they have. I have never been so desperate for relief— for a distraction— for something to feel— that I have driven myself to the point of taking a razor to my wrist.

I couldn't even imagine how it feels to be that desperate.

But I know what it's like from the outside prospective. To watch someone you care about practically destroying their arms with red, swelling lines. Forever leaving scars to remind them of a terrible time in their life.

It's even worse when the only thing you can do is tell them that it's okay; they'll get through this. But words aren't enough sometimes.

I can't do much to help, for I am one person out of the billions out there. And I am small. Insignificant in the grand scheme of things. And the only thing I can do is reassure them.

So, that's what I'll do. I'll do what I can. I'll send a message to anyone who comes across this— to anyone who is struggling.

Your skin, it's not like paper. So don't cut it. Don't draw red lines across it. Things might be tough now, but they always get better no matter how far down you have fallen. I don't care how many times you've heard someone say that, but it's true.

You aren't alone. Others like you are struggling too. Talk to someone. A parent, friend, school counselor, or therapist. You could even talk to your cat. It doesn't matter who, just talk to them.

There will always be at least one person who cares about you. And every time you add another tally to your collection, they feel the pain as well.

Stop destroying yourself further, and instead turn to the people you can trust. They can help you heal, physically and emotionally.

Your skin is not paper. It's delicate, and smooth, and it can be easily scarred, so don't cut it.

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