Eventually Everything Would Fall

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Authors Note:

ALIGHT. So. STORY TIME. I can't make this a whole book because it's too short. so I'm just gonna make it one of my wattpad chapters, in THIS book. It's kind of... a dramatic ending to some mysterious story, of which was a dystopian future of Earth. I don't know if that made any sense, but fuck it. Just enjoy the damn story. Also, it's SLIGHTLY inspired by Rick and Morty. SLIGHTLY! S.L.I.G.H.T.L.Y! (They go to space in a space ship, and that's where the comparison ends.)

Just enjoy it.

I knew the day would come when everything would fall apart. When the infinity of this life would drive one of us insane. It was just a matter of time. 1,402 years is how long it took. 1,402 years of wondering when. And now, as I lay in the debris of my quickly crumbling castle, laser bullet wound bleeding me dry of life, a singular question is all I can think about. A question that won't leave me alone, and is dancing through my mind. It makes me question everything. My life, how it ended- How could have ended. Why couldn't it have ended in a better way?

I notice a distant figure coming closer to me at a rapid and frantic pace, and it pulls my mind away from the questioning thoughts, almost forcefully, as a wave of fuzzy memories wash over me. A figure that's so familiar and calming, that I'm praying it's not a hallucination. Praying, to a god I don't believe in, that it's the last thing I see before I finally drift off into an endless sleep. The figure now hovers above me, and I can now recognize who it is. The outline of her body seems to glow, and it seems as if she and I are the only two things in the universe.

She looks almost exactly like I remember her. An old friend, whose hair is a dark, dark shimmering blue. Eyes that are like a gray pool of melted silver. Facial features as sharp as a drawing. A sullen look on her face as she gazes down at me. "F-Flare..." I say, quickly interrupted by a wave of coughs that rack my body and burn my lungs. A few drops of blood dribble down my chin, but I don't care. I've fared worse pains, and I'm dead anyway. It doesn't even matter. I don't matter. I never did. No one ever mattered in the end.

"Don't speak." She says softly, slipping an arm under my back, and the other under my knees. Flare carries me in her strong arms, running to some unknown destination. Avoiding holes that litter across the crumbling ground, and bits and pieces of debris that fall from above. Narrowly missing distant laser shots seeming to come from nowhere. Before all the nonsense, before we became immortal, Flare was my best friend.

But in a twist of cruel fate, everything changed, and I became the ruler of Earth. It was offered to me, and being the ignorant child I was, I accepted. My family was forced to be by my side, and Flare was forced to be my personal guard— Simply because she and I had been friends for years, and we both shared a dominant quality of being loyal. Flare and my family were forced into this all because of my ignorance.

Due to Flares position, she was granted with unnatural strength, and heightened abilities, such as eyesight, hearing, ect. So that is how it is possible for her to fluently carry me while running though a battlefield, even with her small frame. I always found it funny how Flare and I were relatively the same size (except Flare it just a bit taller than me), yet she's so much stronger than I am.

Eventually, I am tossed unceremoniously into the passenger seat of Flares oh-so-familiar spaceship. Hers is unique compared to the countless other fighter-spaceships meant for war. Hers is a teal blue, with goofy graffiti littered across its surface. Some of which, I had contributed to years ago, back before I lost my one and only friend. Back when I still had some slip of freedom to do as I damn well pleased.

Flare takes off into space the second she's in the pilot seat, the Earth fading behind us. And at that moment, I know I will never see it again. I will never see Earth or the people whom I once called my family ever again. My Mother, Father, sister— all fallen into the void of a life lived too long.

It's funny, actually. My father ended up being the one who snapped first. When this life of becoming an immortal family began, he always remained the most sensible one. The one person in the family who stayed calm, and made all the decisions I couldn't handle as a ruler. In the end, he was the one who formed the resistance against my rule. He's the one who ended up destroying my kingdom, betraying me, and causing the soon-to-be lethal laser bullet wound in my abdomen.

Yet, I'm not angry at him. I can't be angry, because I hardly care. I loved my family, but over the time of my long, long life... I lost that emotion. Now they are just people of my past, as I am to them. Just people who I once knew. People who have changed so much I hardly recognize them. People who no longer love me, so I no longer love them. Instead of anger, or betrayal, I just feel so full of painful regret.

It's ironic that the one person who hadn't betrayed me in some way ended up being the one person I betrayed. She's the one person I even still care about because... despite her changes, she remained the same person. I can't say the same about myself, though.

I am no longer that bright-eyed 15-year old I once was. Back then... I was full of life. I was curious about the world and excited to see what it had to offer me. I felt invincible. I was loyal, honorable, determined, and always tried to do the right thing. But I can no longer use those words to describe myself.

The only part of me that stayed the curious 15-year old girl was, is my body.

And yet, Flare who always stayed herself, Flare who I hurt so much and betrayed, is here. After all those hurtful things I said 134 years ago, she's here— saving me from my major fuck-up of a life. 134 years of regretting what I said, and here she is, saving me despite how much I don't deserve it. I don't deserve a friend like her.

I don't know how long we fly through the endlessness of space, but eventually, the spaceship stops. "Warning. Fuel is critically low. Oxegen levels are 20%." Says the female-like voice of the AI inside the spaceships system. "Would you like me to send out a distress signal?"

"No, no... W-we can... we'll be fine, Sora..." Flare responds sharply, referring to the spaceship she apparently named Sora. I was wondering if she'd ever name this hunk of junk.

"I see." The ship says after a moment, seeming to understand the true meaning behind her words. "It was a pleasure to be in your service, captain Flare."

And with that, the lights in the ship dim to a dull glow, allowing us to see the stars in a greater, more brilliant light.

It will be the last thing we ever see.

Authors note: I like torturing people. This was the ending to a story that will forever remain a mystery.

I also wrote this like a year ago, and never posted it. So if it seems a little off, that's why. It's kind of just been sitting in my drafted chapters for a long time, and now I want to post it to get it out of the way.

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