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Eun Gi's POV

Class is over so I went home so that I can change my clothes and went to the café. When I enter the café Jae Hee went near me.

"Eun Gi, our manager wants to talk to you" she informs me.

"Eh? Waeyo?" I asked her.

"I also don't know, just got to the office and asked her" Jae Hee said then I walk to the office and knock.

"Manager this is Eun Gi" I said.

"Come in" I heard her said, and then I open the door and enter.

"Ma'am, Jae Hee told me that you're looking for me?"

"Ah!! Ne~, I'm going to offer you a job because you need it than the other workers here. Do you want to be a maid? It's okay if you don't want" she explains.

"I'm going to accept it ma'am because I really need money to support my needs and I don't want my parents to worry about me." I said smiling.

"I'm glad you accepted it because my friends ask me if I know someone who needed a job so I recommended you and I also trusted you" she said smiling.

"Kamsahamnida" I said and bow.

"It's okay." Manager said.

After my work in café, I walk to my house when I saw a guy and I think he's in pain. I went near him.

"Mister, Are you okay?" I asked him, when he lifts his head his face has a bruise his lip is burst. "He looked familiar"

"What do you think?" he asked sarcastically, we don't see each other's face because it's dark.

"Just asking tsk, Can you walk?" I asked him.

"Ne if you support me" he said then I help him to stand up and bring him to my apartment because it's near and also to treat his wound.

When we're in my apartment I open the light in the living room and help him to sit.

"Wait here I'm going to get the first aid kit" I told him and went to the kitchen where I place the first aid kit. When I came back I looked at the guys face and shocked it's no other than Sehun, one of the kingka's when he also looked at me he's also shocked.

"So you're my angel that helps me" he said smiling, after I recover from shock I kneel in front of him and treat his wound. After putting some ointment I cover it with band-aid.

"Kamsahamnida for helping me, my angel" he said.

"Yah!!! I'm not your angel so stop calling me that name just call me Eun Gi that's my name" I said to him angrily.

"But I want to call you that because you help and save me" he said pouting.

"Yah!!! Stop pouting it's not cute" I told him but deep inside me his cute.

"You should go home now, you're parents will be worried" I inform him.

"But it's already late, what if something bad happen to me again" he said making me feel guilty, and I started to feel guilty.

"Aisshhh, okay fine just sleep here at the couch I'm going to get you a blanket" I said to him and went to my room and get him blanket and pillow.

Sehun's POV

I can't sleep so I stroll outside our house. We have a house wherein I and my hyungs bought it with our saving. Sometimes we went there to sleep and hang out, don't misunderstand we all live with our parents we just bought it in case some of us have a problem and don't want to go home. So as I was saying I stroll because I can't sleep, when I'm walking I saw many guys walking near me, they all looked drunk.

"Hey kiddo, do you have money?" they asked me but I continue walking and ignore them.

"We're talking to you" one of the guy said and grab my arms and punch me, I fought back but they are many, when they took my money they leave me. At least I didn't have my wallet with e and just bring some amount of money.

After 5 minutes, I saw a girl approaching me and she help me and bring me to her house and treat me. When I looked at her I was so shocked that the girl is Eun Gi and she's also shocked but when she recover from shock she kneel in front of me and treat my wound then she asked me to leave. I don't want to leave and know her.

"But it's already late, what if something bad happen to me again" I said making her feel guilty so that I can stay in her house. And she gives up hehehe.

"Aisshhh, okay fine just sleep here at the couch I'm going to get you a blanket" she said to me and she went to her room and get me a blanket and pillows.

When she came back, she has a blanket and pillow in her hand.

"Here" she said to me and she turn around to leave me.

"Are you going to sleep?" I asked her.

"Ne, Waeyo?" she asked.

"Can we have a chat because I can't sleep, jebal~" I said and she thinks.

"Araseo, I also can't sleep" she said that makes me smile.

"Why are you avoiding us?" I asked her curiously.

"I have my reason and you don't need to know" she said.

"It's my turn, what happen to you?" she asked.

"Many drunk guys went near me and asked me for money but I ignore them, one of the guy punch me so I fight back but they are many and you know what happen next" I explains to her.

"Can we be friends?" I asked her.

"Okay but don't tell them and don't talk to me when we're in school and you also seem nice" she said smiling.

"Ne" I said happily.

"Let's sleep, we have a class tomorrow" she said then she went back to her room.

"Yes!!! She's my friend now" I said to myself smiling then I sleep happily.


I Hate Them!!! (EXO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon