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Eun Gi's POV

Today is the day when Luigi and I are going to move in Busan.

"Did you already pack your things?" my mom asked me.

"ne, omma. Are you going to send us?" I ask my mom.

"Of course" my mom said while smiling.

"Luigi, you should go down, we're going to leave!!!" I yelled so that he can hear me.


Then I saw him going down the stairs.

After two hours of driving we already reach our house. We went down to unpack our things.

"Luigi, you should rest first. I'm going to wake you up if we're going to eat our dinner." I inform him, and then he went to his room.


After he went to his room, I went to the kitchen to cook for our dinner.

Tomorrow, I'm going to buy some things in our house then the day after tomorrow I'm going to enroll the both of us. My school and Luigi's school is near to our house, maybe a 15 minutes' drive.

It's the day of the enrollment.

"Luigi, wake up you need to take a bath after that we're going to eat our breakfast." I told him while waking him up.

"Araseo mom" he said then he went to the bathroom after that I prepare his clothes and went back to the kitchen to wait for him because I already take a bath but I told Ina, our maid to cook our breakfast.

I saw Luigi already and we eat our breakfast.

"Let's go" I told him and we went first to his school to enroll him then after that we went to my school to enroll.

"Mom, look at that girl she's so cute and I want her to be one of my girlfriends." Luigi point the girl to me.

The little girl is pretty she wear a light pink dress and also a light pink doll shoes, her hair is long and shiny.

"Luigi, you're too young for that girlfriend/boyfriend thing. You should focus on your study first" I told him.

"Ne mom"

"It's okay if you're already 15, you can have your girlfriend araseo?" I inform him.

"Ne mom" he said while smiling.

After we finish enrolling, we went to the mall to eat our lunch.

"Where do you want to eat?" I ask him.

"Let's eat there" he points the clown with his red lipstick. It's Mcdonald.

"Sure" when we reach the entrance I suddenly saw Sehun and his only on his own while eating inside the food chain.

I went near him while his eating.

"Excuse me, can we share at your table?" I ask him.

He scans the area while not looking at me.

"But they have many tab---." He didn't finish what he's saying because he looks at me and he's shocked.

"NOONA!!!" he suddenly yelled and he suddenly hugs me while the other customers are looking at us because of Sehun's loud voice.

"Yah, it's embarrassing" I said to him when he realizes that we're in public place.

He looked around and he apologizes.

"Mianhe" he bows.

"We should sit first" I said to him.

"Mom, who is he?" Luigi asked.

"He's one of my friends back then. By the way Sehunnie this is Luigi. Luigi he is uncle Sehun" I introduce them to each other.

"Ehhh, I'm also your son, you already forgot?" Sehun whined.






I don't know what he's saying but I already remember. When I look at him he already knows that I remember.

"Luigi ah~, you should call me hyung not uncle araseo?" he ask Luigi while smiling.

"Ne hyung?" he said in confusion.

"It's okay Luigi, I treat him as my son back then." I inform him so that he can't be confused.

"You didn't change a bit" I told Sehun.

"I know because handsome" he said while smiling.

"Err, I mean your childishness, oh wait before I forgot I'm going to order first because we're both hungry" I told him and I went to the counter, when I look at our table my two son are laughing and that makes me smile.


Who do you think Luigi's Mom?

I Hate Them!!! (EXO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon