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Eun Gi's POV

I slowly open my eyes; I looked around because I'm not familiar with the surroundings because my room is exactly not like this. I suddenly feel a hand putting at my waist, I look at that person and I saw Luhan's sleeping then I suddenly remember the things that happened.

I slowly put his hand away from my waist and I look at my cellphone to see the time and it's 6 in the morning. I stand up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. After that I went down to their kitchen and I saw some of their maid doing their chores and when they saw me they greets me and I also greets them back.

"Morning ma'am" one of the maids in the kitchen greets.

"Morning" I said and smile at her.

"Ma'am, how may I help you?" she asks me.

"Uhmm, who's in charge in cooking? And by the way just call me Eun Gi, I don't like to be called as ma'am" I said to her and smile.

"Ne, sorry Eun Gi but we're just going to cook the breakfast" she said.

"It's ok but can I just cook the breakfast?" I ask her.


"Jebal~~~" I said while pouting.


"Kamsahamnida" I said to her.

I rummaged their refrigerator to look for an ingredient.

I'm going to cook the bacon, eggs and my specialty Chinese fried rice to thank him about last night.

After 30 minutes of cooking, I already finished. I went upstairs to wake him up.

"Luhan wake up, Luhan wake up" I shake his body.

Then he opens his eyes.

"Good morning" he greets me.

"Morning, wake up so that we can eat our breakfast" I said to him.

"Araseo, I'm just going to wash, just wait me at the dining room" Luhan said then he walks to the bathroom.

I also went to the dining room while waiting for him. By the way Luhan's parents are not here, they're busy to their company.

After 20 minutes of waiting, Luhan arrive. He sat beside me.

"Let's eat" he said to me.

I'm waiting for him to eat.

"Mashita? (Delicious?)" I asked him.

"Uhmmm, its fine" he answers.

"It's fine not good?" I ask him while pouting.

"Just kidding, mashita" he said while smiling and I also smile to his answer.

We eat silently. After eating we went to their garden. We sat on their swing.

I saw their gardener watering the plants. I also want to water the plant that's why I stand up.

"Where are you going?" Luhan ask me, curiosity is written on his face.

"I'm going to water the plants, because I love the flowers here" I smile at him and proceed to the gardener.

"Can I water the plant?" I ask the gardener while smiling.

"I hope he agreed"

"But ma'am---"the gardener didn't finish his sentence.

"It's okay, let her be" Luhan said. I didn't know that he follows me.

Then the gardener gave the hose to me and I started watering the plants. The gardener leaves us.

"So, you like flowers?" I startled because of luhan's sudden question.

"Yah!!! You startled me"

"Mianhe" he said while making a sign like this ^_^V.

"It's fine, and yes I love flowers so much because it's beautiful" I said while smiling because I really really love flowers.

"What is your favorite flower?"Luhan ask.

"My favorite flower is blue rose"

"Why?"- Luhan

"Because it's rare and beautiful unlike red roses"- me.

"Oh okay, hey the flowers are drowning" Luhan suddenly said.

"No it's not"

Yes it is"- Luhan.

"How do you say so?" I ask him while raising my eyebrows to him.

He grabs the hose to me.

"Look at that" Luhan said while pointing at the flowers.

I look at the flowers his pointing and I didn't see any problems, I look back at him but he just sprays the water to me.

"YAH!!!!" I said to him, his running away but the hose is pointing at me.

"HAHAHAHAHHA" he laughs at me.

I look around and I saw a hose near from me, I grab the hose and point it to luhan.

"YOU'RE DEAD" I chase him while we're both pointing the hose to each other.

"Guys what the hell are you two doing?" we both look at that person but my hose is pointing at that person so that means that person is also wet.

I Hate Them!!! (EXO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon