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I’m a transfer student from Busan, I’m 15 years old and I have parents and an older brother and a younger sister, we are three in the family. I have a scholarship in Seoul National University so I grab the opportunity to study there and my parents have approved about it. We’re not rich nor we’re also not poor we are just in a middle class society.

I rent an apartment near the school. I support myself by working in a café who is also near the school. My shift is from 5 pm to 9pm so I go to school from 8 am to 4pm.

It’s my first day of class; I went to the guidance office to get my class schedule. After I got my schedule & subjects, I went to my first class. When I enter the class, I looked around the room. Its early so many students are not here, I put my bag on one of the chairs then I went outside to familiarize the school. While I was walking in the garden I saw a big tree that wasn’t recognize by the other student, so I decided that it will be my rest spot. I looked at my watch and I saw that my class will be starting, so I immediately went back to the room. And the bell rang when I sit at my chair.

“Good morning class I’m your teacher for this subject. I’m Jung Hyuk Jae just call me Mr. Jung. So let’s start our class” the teacher said when he enters the room.

Since it’s the first day, we don’t have anything to do and its lunch break. I was walking to the cafeteria to get a food when the cafeteria’s door open and many boys are entering the cafeteria, then I heard many girls are squealing and whispering, I looked at the source of that noise. I saw the boys seating in a chairs, I don’t know who are they so I think I’m going to ask a students here. I saw a boy near me, so I get his attention by poking his shoulder

“Excuse me” I said to the boy.

“Yes???” he asked when he looked at me I saw his face and he’s actually handsome and his eyes are beautiful, then I remember my intention when I heard the girls squealing.

“Uhmmm, can I ask you? Who are they?” I asked clueless.

“You don’t know them?” he looked surprised from my question.

“Am I going to ask you if I already know them?” I asked sarcastically, I don’t want that kind of people who return your question with a question too.

“I’m just asking, by the way they are the Kingkas of this school, they are rich and handsome like many other girls says” he answered my question. “So they are the kingka’s of this school, I should not get involved with them” I thought.

“Okay, so they are 11 boys that I’m going to avoid” I whispered to myself but he heard it.

“Actually they are 12” he said amused by what he had heard. But when I looked at them they are 11.

“But where is the other one?” I asked him.

“Here, he’s talking to you now” he said smiling and laughing. “By the way, why did you say that you’re going to avoid us?” he asked.

“None of your business, so if you’re one of them, I’m going!! Bye and also just forget that I asked you” I informed him, then I went to the tree that I saw this morning while holding my food.

Kai’s POV

When the bell rang signaling that the class is over and its lunch time, I already went to the cafeteria and wait for the guys there, because I don’t like the attention, the others also don’t want to have an attention but there’s one person in our group who loves attention. I’m walking to the cafeteria to look for our seat when the cafeteria’s door open and it reveals my friends. The girls started to squeal and giggle, I’m going to my friends when I felt that someone is poking my shoulder.

“Excuse me” I heard a girl voice then I looked at her.

“Yes???” I ask her. When I looked at her she’s pretty.

“Uhmmm, can I ask you, who are they?” she asked clueless and she also don’t know our group. I’m surprised that someone in this school doesn’t know us.

“You don’t know them?” I asked surprised from her question.

“Am I going to ask you if I already know them?” she asked sarcastically, wow what an impatient and rude girl.

“I’m just asking, by the way they are the Kingkas of this school, they are rich and handsome like many other girls says” I said confidently.

“Okay, so they are 11 boys that I’m going to avoid” I heard her whispered to herself.

“Actually they are 12” I said amused by what I heard, I’m very sure that she really don’t know us and I’m confused with what she had said.

“But where is the other one?” she asked.

“Here, he’s talking to you now” I said smiling and laughing because of the fact that she asked one of the kingkas. “By the way, why did you say that you’re going to avoid us?” I asked her, because I’m curious about her reason.

“None of your business, so if you’re one of them, I’m going!! bye and also just forget that I asked you” she said telling me that don’t bother her. “What a girl”

Sehun’s POV

It’s lunch time!!!!! I went to my hyungs classroom so that we can eat our lunch together. Kai hyung said that he will wait for us in the cafeteria.

When we enter the cafeteria, I looked for Kai hyung, I spotted him talking to a girl.

“Who’s that gir??l that Kai hyung is talking to?” I asked my hyungs then they looked at Kai hyung.

“Maybe one of his fans.” Lay hyung guess.

“Oh” I just said then I looked at the girl she’s pretty cute and has a petite body.

I think they are finish talking, because I saw kai hyung is walking towards our table.

“Who’s that girl?” I asked.

“Who’s girl?” he asked tilting his head.

“The one you’re talking to a while ago” I said.

“Oh, she’s our anti fan” he said as if nothing to him.

“What??!!!” I yelled from shocked.

“Maknae, why are you yelling?” Kris hyung asked confused from my action.

“Kai hyung said something” I informed Kris hyung, he look at Kai.

“What about me? I just said that we have an anti fan” he said then all the members were looking at him.

“WHAT???” all my hyung yelled. All the people in the cafeteria are staring at us, then I just bow at them.

“Chosuhamnida” I said to the people in the cafeteria.

“What did you say?” Chen hyung asked.

“You heard me hyung, no need to repeat” Kai said rolling his eyes.

“Why did you say that she’s our anti fan?” Lay hyung asked.

“Because she said she doesn’t want to get involve with us” Kai hyung said.

“That’s it?!!! And you presume that she’s an anti fan?” D.O hyung said.

“Ne” Kai hyung said lazily.

“Let’s not care about that, let’s just eat because break time is almost over” Xiumin hyung said.

“Ne, he’s right. We can talk about that in our dorm, let’s just eat first” Tao hyung said.

“They’re right, we can continue this topic at our dorm” Baekhyun said then Chanyeol hyung agree with him. (Baekyeol  hehehe)

We all went to get our food and eat our lunch while talking about her sometimes. Then after lunch we all went to our classroom, then after school we all went to our dorm.

I Hate Them!!! (EXO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon