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Eun Gi's POV

One week later

Its morning and class is going to start so I need to hurry, I don't want to be late because of my scholarship. I enter the class and thanks because the teacher didn't arrive yet. After 5 minutes the teacher arrives.

"Good Morning class" the teacher greeted us.

"Morning seongsengnim" the teacher checks our attendance and proceeds to our lesson.

After an hour of listening the class is over.

"Ms. Seo please stays for a while" Mrs. Lee said our teacher in Math.

"Ne" I answer and wait for her to gather her things.

"Ms. Seo I have a favor to ask" Mrs. Lee said.

"What is it ma'am?" I asked.

"Please tutor one of my student's in Math, his going to fail his grade if he didn't study" Mrs. Lee explained.

"I can but every Saturday? Is it okay?" I asked because I have a job and Saturday is my off.

"Ne, Kamsahamnida Ms. Seo, I'm going to introduce him to you after class go to my office" Mrs. Lee inform me.

"Araseo" Bye ma'am" I said then I leave to get my food for lunch and sit to the big tree.

After lunch time, I went to my class and the lesson starts. I'm always focusing to the teacher's discussion because I don't want to fail my subject.

After an hour of listening he class is over. I went to Mrs. Lee's office.

"Ms. Seo, he's Huang Zi Tao, you're going to tutor" Mrs. Lee said while we both are surprised to see each other. Mrs. Lee saw us having a surprised face.

"Is there a problem between the two of you?" She asked then we're back to our senses.

"Animnida seongsengnim" we both said.

"If there's none you can leave" we bow to her and leave the room.

"Oh my gosh, why are you of all the students here?" I said to him while frowning.

"And why are you of all the smart students here?" he said back also frowning.

"Aishhh, super bad day" I said pissed.

"Whatever Pig head" he said then walks away.

"Hey Panda wait, let's discuss the tutorial" I run to him and he stop.

"Where are we going to tutor you?" I asked.

"Of course to your place" he said with a pokerfaced.

"We can't" I object.

"And why is that?" he asked raising her eye brow.

"We just can't!!!" I said.

"Aisshh, okay in our EXO house" he said leaving with no choice because if they tutor in his parent's house they will know about his failing subject.

"What's your address?" I asked. He writes it in a paper and gives it to me.

"I'm going, let's start at 4 pm" I inform him and leave.

Tao's POV

After we talk, I went to our meeting place.

"What's ith the frowning Tao?" Baekhyun hyung said.

"Someone will tutor me this Saturday. Kris hyung and Suho hyung can we study in the EXO house?" I asked for their permission.

"It's okay, we're also there in Saturday" they said.

"Ne, Gomawo" I thanked them.

Eun Gi's POV

Fast Forward to Saturday

I went to the address that Tao gave me, when I already in the door I knocked three times.

"Wait" I heard then the door open. I saw Kris opening the door when he looked his face is so funny hahahaha but I remained pokerfaced.

"Eh? What are you doing here?" he asked when he recover to his shocked face.

"I'm here to tutor Tao" I said with no expression.

"Oh, so you're the one, please come in" he said then we walk to the living room where some of the EXO are there.

"Guys, we have a visitor" Kris said then their attention is with Kris.

"The student who will tutor Tao?" Chanyeol asked.

"Ne" and I saw him smirk to his member.

"Annyeong" I said with a pokerfaced and they have a very funny face like Kris when he saw me.

"Noona~" I saw Sehun running towards me then he hugs me.

"WHAT THE? Sehun?" they all said with a surprised face their eyes were like D.O.

"YAH!!!! What are you doing?" I said to Sehun because they don't know that Sehun and I are friends.

"But Noona I thought we're friends?" he asked innocently.

"FRIENDS?" the others yelled.

"Yah Oh Sehun why didn't you tell us" I heard Chen said.

"Noona, let's told them so that we can see freely and we can always hang out" Sehun said pouting.

"I give up and they already knows so what's the point if you already blabbered about it" I said then when I looked at Sehun he jump up and down.

"Where's Tao?" I asked.

"In his room, just walk upstair then turn right, the 2nd room" Sehun answer my question while the others are dumb founded.

I went upstair and knock to his room. When no one responds I try to turn the knob and it's open when I entered no one is inside. After 2 minutes I heard the bathroom door open and it reveals Tao shirtless.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!" he yelled. While I'm dumbfounded at my place.

I didn't move.


I Hate Them!!! (EXO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon