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I'm not sure how to feel about this arrangement.

It seems so wrong!

Draco is my best friend!

But then again, it could be with someone who I don't know, which is what happens in most pure blood.

But the thing is, I'm only a half blood, I mean, my father is, so I technically have traces of muggle blood in my veins.

The next day Ember came to pick me up, saying that mother is on her way home!

Yay! I finally get to see her again!


I finally get home, and my mother is waiting with her arms wide open!

I immediately ran forward to give her a hug.
She squeezed me tightly letting out a small sob.

"My little girl!" She smiled, when I pulled back, I remembered something.

"Mother why did you put me in an arranged marriage!" I glared.

She sighed and rubbed my shoulders gently.

"Sweetheart it's for your own good, bedsides it's not for certain, your father will decided later on..." she smiled softly.

"Fine" I huffed knowing that I wasn't going to get out of this. I hurried up to my room and unpacked.

-Time Skip brought to you by the dark mark!-

Me, mother and Ember were walking up the stairs in some old building, when we finally got to a room that was lit up.

I could see wormtail and a man, I recognised him as Barty Crouch Jr.
Completely mental, obsession of sticking his tongue out.


What was weirder is that he has it out for me and my sister, not in a bad way, more like he wants to get on our good side.

I remember that he said to me in Azkaban that I was like his little sister.

He wishes.

There was something on the arm chair, wrapped in worn out blankets.

Wormtail moved to remove them, and I held back a scream.

It was some sort of being.

"Oh Tom!" My mother rushed over and knelt by the chair holding her husbands small hand.

"(M/n) it's good to see you again with my own eyes" his voice as smooth as sand paper.

"Come on girls!" She gestured for me and Ember to move forward.

"Ah my beautiful daughters, you have grown so much, especially you (Y/n)...last I saw you, you were just a baby" he sort of smiled.

"Now down to business, Crouch, I want you to watch over Potter, he must make it to the final" final? What final?

"I will not disappoint you my Lord!" He said.

Suddenly Nagini (sp?) entered.

"The old muggle watches from the door my lord" she hisses.

"Nagini says that the watchman is just outside the door," we all turn our heads to see him.

"Let him in, let's show him our way of welcoming...AVADA KEDAVRA!" A flash of green and the old man screamed in pain before his demise.

"Come on," Barty said, his tongue flicking out, "let's get to the games!" He grinned.

We said goodbye to my father when he called me back.

"I trust you to not disappoint me (Y/n)" he said as sternly as he could.

I nodded and replied, "yes, father" and he sort of smiled.

"Good girl, when you come of age, you will earn your dark mark" that's all he said before I had to leave to catch up with the others.

"(Y/n) you are going with the Malfoy's to watch the Quidditch match, they will pick you up tomorrow morning" Mother told me.

Well spending the day with Draco and watching Quidditch doesn't sound too bad!

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now