The new girl

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Shaw pov
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's my dad i answer

📱Phone call📱

Shaw- hello

Dad- Hey come by the mansion

Shaw- But I have school.

Dad- I will get someone to write a note

Shaw- Alright.

📱end of phone call📱

Key wakes up

Key- what are you doing up

Shaw- I had to answer my phone

Key- Oh

Shaw- I'm not going to school today

Key- why

Shaw- my dad needs me

Key- Oh ok

Shaw- Well get ready

30 minutes later

Shaw- key it doesn't take that long to get ready enless you have makeup on.

Key- I am coming down the stairs now

Shaw- alright

Me and Key walk to my all black 2017 camaro.

Key- wow this is nice when you get it.

Shaw- last year

Key- wow

Shaw opens her glove compartment and hands her a key.

Shaw- I might not be back before school is over

Key- Oh, Why does your father need you?

Shaw- I don't have any clue

They Arrive at the school she watches Key get out and walk into the school building.

Shaw drives home and changes to get to her father's house.

20 min later

Shaw knocks are her father mansion door. His Butler Alfred opens the door

Alfred- Good morning, Ms Shaw

Shaw- where is my father

Alfred- in the living room

Shaw walks into the living room to see this girl standing next to him

Shaw- who is she

Father- a new employee

Shaw- what she finna sell anyway, pussy

Jae- haha, very funny. My name is jae, I used to sell drugs back in new Orleans

Shaw father gets a phone call

Father- Oh i need to leave

Shaw stay here.

Jae- Well then I guess it's me and you for a couple of hours.

Shaw- ight I'm going to leave at 3:00

Jae- So what will I be selling, crack, lean, weed.

Shaw- most likely weed but you might sell crack if you bring in good profits

Jae- Well then

I look at Jae

Jae- who you looking at

Shaw- You

Jae- Well avert your eyes

Shaw -Well i am hungry, so I'm going to go.

Jae- I'm hungry also

Shaw- Uh Alfred can you lock the door

Alfred- No problem.

Jae and Shaw walk to Shaw car

They go to Wendy's, shaw gets the 4 for 4 Jae gets a 10 spicy chicken nuggets.
They end up eating in the car.

Shaw looks at Jae

Jae- why you still looking at me

Shaw- cause you fine

Jae- I heard that before.
Shaw then kisses her

Jae- I'm not doing this in your car
Shaw- why not
Jae- because I need more space.
Shaw looks at the time 3:00 we still have time.

Shaw speeds out of the parking lot and drives to her house.

Shaw opens the door to her house And as soon as they walk.

Shaw starts kissing Jae and they go up stairs.

Key pov

4:20 is when school let's out
I go ahead and uber to Shaw house to be faster.
When I arrive i see Shaw car.
I walk up to the door to see its already unlocked.

When I walk in I hear moaning from upstairs maybe it's porn.

So I walk up there to see Shaw thrusting her strap on into this girl.

Shaw looks over to me staring

Shaw- uh what you doing here.

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