She saved me

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Shaw POV

I call them a Uber and make them wait outside. I walk back upstairs.

Key- who was downstairs

Shaw- nobody

Key- Shaw I think imma go live with my uncle for a while because me staying with you isn't helping.

Shaw- but

Key- thank you Shaw but it's time for me to go.

Key walks out the house and I'm stuck in my room. I hear a car. So I know she's really gone.

I get into my uncle car and he drives. No later than 10 minutes we arrive at his house it's not nice like Shaw's but then again she's a drug dealer.

We get into his 1 bedroom 2 bathroom house.

He makes me sleep on the couch which doesn't really bother me.
I end up falling asleep really fast.
I wake up to a feeling someone on top of me. I call out Shaw but this person is to heavy to be her. I open my eyes and it's my uncle. I try to fight him off but he's really strong.

Uncle- you know Key. I think the only reason you gay is because you never had no real dick.

He pulls down my pants with 1 hand while pining my arms.

He then inserts it I just feel numb. By the time he's finished. He walks out and tells me to clean myself up. I walk into the bathroom and don't even feel like myself.

I take a shower even though from all those crime shows I've seen they say you shouldn't but I feel dirty. After I'm done I stay up all night. I don't want him to to it again. He lives closer to the school so I walk. When I get there I see Shaw.

Key- Shaw can I talk to you.
Shaw- yeah.

We walk to the bathroom we go to the biggest stall.

Shaw- so where did you go

I instantly start to cry

Shaw- hey key talk to me what happened
I tell her the story and her mood changes. She looks at her phone and orders us a Uber back to her house.

I guess we not. Going to school today.
When we get there Shaw starts to text faster than ever. When she's done she tells me to follow her upstairs she picks us out black hoodies, black pants and black shoes. I don't ask any questions. Then she grabs a black mask. She tells me to put it on and I put it on.
We hear a knock at the door and 3 dudes walk in. They also have all black on. They start to talk.

Shaw- we gonna hit up this nigga house.

We are not gonna shoot it up just grab the nigga.

The dudes just nod they head.

Shaw- We wait till tonight. Aye John go scout for cameras and if there is any cameras take them out.
Then 1 of the dudes walk out.
The 2 others sit around while key takes me to the back and tells me the plan.

Shaw- we gonna grab your uncle and show him something
I just nod my head.

We wait till 12 John comes back and nods his head.
We all walk to this black van. I tell them how to get there. When we arrive they pick the lock and grab my uncle and throw him in the back.

We drive to this area where I don't see anybody. They grab my uncle out he's tied up they throw my uncle on the ground key takes out her pistol and slaps my uncle with it.

Shaw- you like touching your family

Uncle- what are you talking about
Shaw- don't play stupid.
Uncle- ~laughs~ oh that. I'd do it again.
Shaw clenches her jaw.
She aims the gun at his head.
Shaw- lets make sure it won't happen again
Then Shaw shoots him in his head.

We get in the van she tells them to hide his body before we start to drive away. She has this look in her eye. I stare out the window. Sooner or later we arrive back at her house.

We walk in the house.
Shaw walks up to her room and lays on her bed. I follow her.

Key- thank you Shaw

Shaw- yeah don't mention it and please don't leave me again.

Shaw gets up and walks into her bathroom. I hear her start the shower.
I walk into the guest room and lay down.
I fall asleep but wake up to Shaw getting next to me.

She starts to talk

Shaw- I'll kill any nigga over her

I start to smile she loves me or I think. She starts to get comfortable and then falls asleep. I look at her face. She looks peaceful when she sleeps.

How can you kill and sleep like that.

She starts to breath heavy and starts to talk.

Shaw- oh fuck key your gonna make me cum.

Is this nigga dreaming about me and her. It's kinda hot. I lay back down and fall asleep.

To be continued....

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