~Happy(ish) Holidays pt. 2 - Swap!Paps & Fell!Sans

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(~smut warning)



I was kind of relieved to be in a neat-looking, non-busted house with whole walls and actual light. Stretch gave me a blanket and a pillow, saying I could crash on the couch as long as I wanted. He also said that Blue would come home later, after the party.

Stretch's confidence that he could handle Boss both impressed and worried me. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me, let alone Stretch. I wouldn't forgive myself if Boss attacked him.

But his cool, laid-back nature and his absolute confidence let me relax. I felt easy for the first time in a long time. My fidgeting stopped and I settled on the couch, letting out a real sigh of release for the first time in...how long has it been? Honestly, I have no idea...

I closed my eye sockets, resting.

Something bumped up against my arm and I opened one eye, looking to see Stretch leaning on the couch, sitting on the floor, watching the television.

He seemed not to notice me looking at him, so I just closed my eyes again to rest.


Good, he's sleeping, I thought to myself as Red began to snore loudly. I sighed, flicking the television off to go upstairs. He would sleep soundly without me for a while, and I was tired myself. I didn't want to say anything but teleporting two skeletons across AUs, even from the Void, was really tiring.

Yawning, I stretched my arms and closed my bedroom door, throwing my hoodie on the floor and taking my shorts off, crashing onto my bed in my tank top and boxers.

I hope he sleeps well...he needs a decent night's sleep... I thought as I drifted off into a light sleep. I might be a little nonchalant about Fell, but I wasn't stupid. If he did show up, I'd be alert enough to take him on.


Running, panting, towards the screaming. I had to get there. I had to.

The screaming intensified and a familiar voice screamed, "RED HELP!" I sped up, tripping in the three-inch snow at my feet. Who was being tortured I didn't know exactly. All I knew was the Boss was behind it and he was doing it to hurt me.

I whipped around a corner, skidding sideways before gaining my feet again and running for a wall of fog that hid two indistinct figures. One was standing over the other, and the other was the source of the screaming.

The screaming started to die down and I sped up again or at least tried to. I had no air and the only energy in my body came from my desperate panic.

I came upon the scene and felt tears prick in my eyes but I fought them off. Boss stood over a beaten and defeated Stretch. They both looked at me as I skidded to a stop, panting roughly and unevenly.

"Boss, no!" I yelled pathetically.

Boss just scowled maniacally, pointing a sharp bone already dripping with blood at Stretch.

"You're sticking up for this pathetic welp, mutt?" he growled. He kicked Stretch, making him wince and whimper slightly.

"Please..." I pleaded. But Boss was hearing nothing.

"It's time you learn that you belong to me and me alone!" with that he stabbed the bone through Stretch's chest.

"NO!" I screamed, running to Stretch's side. He was coughing up blood and I held him.

"Dammit, Stretch," I said, tears falling freely, "This is why you shouldn't care about me..."

"But, Red," he reached a shaky, dusting hand to my face, "If I," he coughed violently, his entire decaying body shaking, "didn't c-care about you, I c-couldn't do this..." He pressed his teeth to mine, kissing me gently as I felt him grow lighter in my arms. I could taste his blood in his mouth. He fell away, coughing violently again.

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