~Relaxation - CherryBerry

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(Dom Blueberry and Sub Red)

(Requested by pandagirl8489)

(~ = smut)



"I'M DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT!" I screamed at Boss before turning my back on him and teleporting away. He didn't even get a chance to snap back before I was gone.

I'm so sick and tired of his crap, I thought angrily, making my way through UnderSwap, I just need a goddam break...

Absorbed in my thoughts I walked straight into Stretch, UnderSwap Papyrus. He glanced down at me, cocking his browbone at me.

"Evenin' Red," he said lazily.

"Hey, Stretch," I sighed, glancing up, "Blue home?"

His eyes flashed a bit suspiciously but he nodded, "Yeah. Actually, he was just about to head out lookin' for ya."

"He still at the house?"

"Yup, he's packin' for the trip now," Stretch informed me. I nodded my thanks and sped up.


Whistling as I packed a little bag, I zipped it up and went downstairs. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs there was a knock on the door. Still whistling, I made my way over and answered it.

"Hello, how can I- Red!" I flung my arms around my edgy boyfriend, hugging him tightly.

"Hehe, heya Berry," he chuckled, hugging back and lifting me up. I squeaked as he took me inside the house.

"Red, put me down!" I smacked his back lightly as he set me down, chuckling deeply.

"Couldn't resist, sorry," he grinned at me. Sighing, I hugged him again before backing away.

"Why did you come? I was just about to visit you."

His grin faded into a snarl, "Boss," he growled stiffly and I nodded.

"Well, rest on the couch and I'll get you something to eat, okay?"

"Heh, whatever you say, babe," he grinned. I turned to head to the kitchen and he smacked my butt.

"Red!" He just chuckled, flopping on the couch and winking at me. Rolling my eyes, I entered the kitchen to make him some tacos. He always enjoyed my tacos.

While cooking, I heard the TV turn on in the other room and smiled to myself. At least he felt at home here. I had everything already prepped in large amounts so making the tacos took very little time. In that small amount of time, I heard Papy come home. He entered the kitchen, giving a soft knock on the wall to let me know he entered.

"I see he caught ya before ya left," Papy said, sitting at the table. He pulled out a cigarette and I smacked it out of his hand.

"Papy, you promised not in the house except for your room!"

"Sorry, bro," he grinned lazily at me, putting the pack away.

"Thank you," I said, returning to my mostly finished tacos. Once they were done I went and sat by Red, who lazed on the couch, his head resting on the armrest with his feet kicked up. He had done the courtesy of taking off his sneakers before setting his feet on the couch. Sitting by his feet I handed him the plate as he sat up.

"Hey, my favorite!" he said happily, sounding tired. He ate ravenously and I began to wonder if 'Boss' had been starving him again. I didn't ask because it would ruin his good mood, but I frowned slightly and leaned on his shoulder, comforting the both of us. Soon I felt him sag into the couch, leaning back on me. He yawned widely and rested his head on mine.

Sanscest/Fontcest Fluff and/or Smut One/Multi-Shots [Requests On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now