Animal Love Pt. 4 - Neko!Geno & Wolf!Reaper

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(Hey I'm thinking of making this a book...yes or no?)



Geno screamed so loud it hurt my ears. Pawing at them, I tried to remember if he'd been this loud before. Goth and Raven sat in chairs next to me. We were just outside the room Geno was in, currently in labor with our second litter. Goth whined softly, his ears flat as he stared at the ground. Raven pawed and dug and pulled at his ears with every scream Geno made. They hated his pain as much as I did.

I tried to console myself and say that yes, he had been this loud and agonized and...tortured...

That is, I tried until a group of nurses rushed into the room madly. They were in there, talking loudly, and I panted in worry. This hadn't happened last time.

The group rushed out of the room, bringing with them one of the wheeled hospital cribs with a child inside it...

"Wait, where are you going?!" I shouted, pouncing after them. A large male nurse stepped in the way and held me back as the child was led into another wing. "Get back here! Where are you taking my pup?!"

A loud scream from Geno's room made my ears want to bleed as I whipped around and sprinted back. Going into the room, I could make out words in his screaming.

"My baby! My baby! Bring him back!" he screamed, thrashing in his bed as two nurses held him down. I came by his side, petting his skull as he looked around frantically. His wild eyes found mine and he growled ferociously.

"They took him! They took my baby!"

"I know, I know, Geno calm down," I tried to calm him down but I was just as worried. Glaring at a nurse, holding in my anger, I asked as calmly as I could muster, "Why did they take him?"

"He wouldn't wake," she said in a surprisingly calm voice for how pissed off Geno was acting beneath her, "He wasn't breathing. They took him to the ICU to save him."

I swallowed, "And the other one?"

"The firstborn is fine," the nurse answered calmly, "She came out easily. But the second was a breach, born upside down."

"S-she?" my tail wagged against my will, "I-it's a girl?"

The nurse nodded, "I delivered your other boys last time. It was easy to tell the difference."

"What will happen to my baby?" Geno asked, his normally calm voice strained and stretched from his screaming.

"He should be fine," she tried to reassure, "But I cannot promise you anything."

Geno looked to me, "Go to him. Watch him."

I glanced at the nurse, "Can I go to him?"

She smiled softly at me, "Normally I'd say no but this is a special case. I don't really want to piss you two off anymore."

"I'll take you to him," offered a bright young nurse. The veteran nodded.


The young nurse led me to a corridor full of rooms with glass panes looking into them. She stopped by one and pointed out the doctors surrounding my newborn. Soft whines escaped me as I pawed the glass.

Please be okay...Don't die...I need you little one... I thought and felt with all my soul for this child to live.

Pressed against the glass I clung to that hope. The child had to live, for my sake, for Geno's sake...

Something akin to panic seemed to spread through the room and I pounded the glass as the doctors shuffled around. I could hear the buzzing of the machines in the room, flicking my ears at the intrusive sound.

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