Chapter 1 - The Property

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Pat, Dan, Jemma and Ian are now on the road, after Pat received a job from his father to fix property and bring it back in business. "Are we there, yet?" Dan asked, impatiently. "No..." Ian replied. The next few seconds, "How about now?" Dan asked. "No!" Ian replied, annoyed. "How abou-" Ian cuts Dan off. "Dan, you've asking for the pass hour, stop!" Ian yelled getting even more annoyed. "Are we there, yet?" Jemma joked, making both herself and Dan laugh. "Jemma! Don't encourage him!" Ian scolded. "Pat, can you believe them?" Ian asked Pat. "Huh? Oh sorry, I put my ear buds on like an hour ago. When you first asked..." Pat told Dan. "Are we there, yet?" Dan asked. "Jemma... Make him stop!" Ian groaned.

When they finally got to the property, they had a look of the place. "Well, here we are!" Dan announced. "This place is a-" Ian cuts Pat off. "Total dump..." he commented. "Huh? I don't understand, our parents said that this place was fantastic." Dan reminded the group. "Judging by the looks of things this place was fantastic, but that was years ago. Ugh, see why I thought this entire thing was fishy?" Pat explained. "It did sound too good to be true, Dan." Jemma told him. 

"Yeah but, I don't know. It sounded awesome getting paid to do something like this." Dan explained himself. "Dan, we're only doing this because our fathers are partners in business." Pat reminded Dan. "Well, nothing a few potions can take care of and.... W-wait... Where is my potion bag?!" Ian realised. Everyone tried to look for Ian's potion bag but it was nowhere to be seen! "I-I didn't see any other bags in the car. Maybe you forgot to bring it?" Jemma asked Ian.

Meanwhile, Darcie the Pug (Who was with Dan's siblings) found Ian's potion bag and created other pugs to make an army with Ellie the Pug. 

Back to the group, Ian claimed that he didn't forgot to bring his potion bag but left it on the ground somewhere. "It's okay, Ian. We can get you a new bag." Dan reassured him. "That's not the point! My wand and potions are in there." Ian explained. "Is it hard to make potions? Where would you go to get the ingredients? I didn't see any stores on the way here." Jemma briefly asked. "I'm sure I can find what I need to make some potions, but it won't be easy." Ian sighed. 

"Regardless, I heard about your cleaning potions from Crainer and I rather that we don't use those here. I wanna fix the place ourselves and not have everything disappear and then reappear in the neighbour's backyard" Pat reasoned with Ian. "But-" Pat cuts Dan off. "I'm here to earn something for someone I deeply care about. Those things aren't given, their earned." Pat tells Dan. "Fair point." Dan sighed. "Still, I feel naked without my wand and potions." Ian whined. "Maybe we should get inside, it's getting really chilli." Jemma suggested. "Right." Pat agreed. 

When they got to the door, it was locked! "Didn't your dad give you a key to this place?" Ian asked Dan, who said that the door's locked, though Pat was looking for the key that Mystery (me :3) placed. "No." Dan answered. "Are we going to freeze to death?" Jemma asked, scared. "No worries! I'm great at getting doors open. Just watch! Stand back everyone" Dan said as he was about to punch the door down. "Mystery, put a key here." Pat said holding up the key, stopping Dan from punching the door. "Oh, great!" Dan replied. 

Pat unlocked the door and the four of them went inside to see the property, in the worst state. "Wow, this place is a dump." Ian commented. "I'm sure it's not so bad once the lights are on. Here, let me get them and..." Jemma said trying to switch the light on but it wasn't working. "Huh, it seems to be broken." Jemma commented. "The circuit breaker must be out." Pat sighed. "Which means everything else in this place is also out." Ian added. "Any idea where the circuit breaker is?" Dan asked the group. "They're usually in a basement or a garage but I have no idea here. Looks like we're going to have to search for it." Pat answered. "Sounds good." Jemma replied to Pat. "Unless it's outside..." Dan commented. 

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