Chapter 11 - The King or the Joker

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Pat and Jen were looking for Cloud but found Dan at the laptop complaining about the internet and signal. "Dan? Dan! Something's happened and we need to Ian!" Jen told him. "Huh? What do you mean?" Dan asked her. "Ian has been taken captive by someone or something." Pat explained. "We need to go to the Secret Passage and get him out of there! But we're going to need everyone's help." Jen explained further. "Ian? Our Ian?" Dan then asked. "Yes!" Jen answered.

"Do you realise how powerful Ian is with witchcraft? I mean he can take care of himself and-" Jen cuts Dan off. "That's only he has his wand and spells and he has neither of those!" Jen explained. "Is this some kind of joke?" Dan asked, doubting the couple. "No, we're dead serious." Pat said in a stern voice. "Dan, please believe us." Jen pleaded. "You guys are serious. Alright, what can I do to help?" Dan said in a serious voice. "We're going to need everyone, especially Cloud." Jen told Dan. "Cloud? Why?" Dan asked her. "Ian believes that whoever took him, did something to Cloud's memory. We think he knows something." Pat explained. "Where's Cloud at?" Jen asked Dan. "Oh, he went upstairs to take a nap." Dan answered. "Is he alright?" Jen questioned further. "Yea, he's perfectly fine. Jemma went to check on him." Dan answered.

Cloud was sleeping when possessed Jemma came into the room and stared at him for a while. "He's perfect! He's absolutely perfect!" The ghost giggled to herself. "Oh my love, I've been waiting for you... Holding back my true feelings but seeing you here, sleeping: It makes my heart want to jump out of my chest! Maybe I can get one kiss." The ghost continued on. When Cloud woke up, somebody's lips jumped onto his causing him to scream, alerting the 3 downstairs. "Cloud!" Jen said, alerted. "He's in trouble!" Pat said, also alerted. "Oh no!" Dan yelled. "We need to get to him... Hurry!" Jen informed the men before running to the room that Cloud was sleeping in.

Ian was still in the cage trying to break free but it was no use until he heard some groans. Ian noticed them and it was 2 zombies. "Please, I-if you hare sorcerers or sorceress, please hear me out..." Ian told the 2 but all the zombies did was look at each other and walked away. "No! Ugh, stupid brains..." Ian insulted making the zombies glare at him. "I-I mean... Smart guys." Ian stuttered. But one the zombie groans in response. "And girl..." Ian then said. "Look, just please get me out of here!" Ian told the zombies but they just stood there. "They must be normal zombies... Darn it! If they were werewolves. I might've been able to persuade them." Ian sighed to himself.

Then the zombies walked away but one dropped a pouch. "Did they just drop a bag? Those are... Rubies? There's a lot of them." Ian then said examining the pouch until the same hooded sorcerer came back to the cave. "Good job both of you. These are just what we need." The sorcerer told the zombies, before looking closer at the bag. "One of these rubies should have power to work. I'll shift through them until we find one. If not we'll have to keep looking. This one would make a great addition to our mobs." The sorcerer said, referring to Ian.

"I can hear you, you know. And I'll never join you, just tell me what you want with me!" Ian told him but the sorcerer just went through the bag of rubies. "Answer me!" Ian demanded. "You'll be able to answer your own question yourself soon enough." The sorcerer told him before continuing to look for the right ruby. "Here's one." The sorcerer said getting out a glimmering ruby, to then successfully get full control over Ian.

Meanwhile with the others, Dan punched the door down to see what's going on with Cloud. "Little Cloud, are you okay?!" Dan asked Cloud, completely worried. "No! I'm not okay at all! Your possessed wife kissed me!" Cloud explained, making Dan laugh. "Do not laugh at me Dan!" Cloud then yelled. "Both of you stop!" Jen yelled at the 2. "Cloud, what happened." She asked him. "I told you, possessed Jemma over there kissed me!" Cloud yelled. "Do not raise your voice at me." Jen scolded.

"I'm sorry, but Aunt Jemma is possessed." Cloud told the adults more calmly. "I don't believe you, Jemma would ever do that." Dan said in a stern voice, doubting Cloud. "Dan, you're one of the only 'Novice' here but Jemma is or was possessed." Pat explained to Dan. "N-no, you're lying..." Dan said in defence. "M-maybe, Cloud dreamed it." Jen suggested, trying to avoid both men from having an argument. "I did not! The. Ghost. Kissed. Me!" Cloud spelled it out. "Stop it, Jemma is asleep!" Dan then yelled. "Dan, that's enough!" Pat yelled at him.

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