Chapter 4 - Kiss attack

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Pat and Dan (Who somehow got out of the floor) are cleaning the room in different places, while Jen and Ian were waiting for Jemma to wake up. While cleaning, Pat noticed that Dan looks like he's under the weather. "Hey Dan, are you okay?" Pat asked Dan, walking up to him. "Yeah, I'm just really worried about Jemma." Dan answered in a sigh. 

"She's going to be fine, everyone is watching over her right now." Pat reassured him. "I hope she's fine, it's been a few days and she's still not 100% herself. I'm just really worried about her." Dan said, very worried about his wife. "We'll make sure she's okay." Pat reassured. "Heh, yeah... So, this place is looking better already!" Dan exclaims, changing the subject. "Right? I mean this place looks really nice when it's clean." Pat agreed. 

"I think you and Jen should take that room." Dan suggested. "Huh? Why us?" Pat asked, confused. "Well, it's the room your family stayed in when you were younger, right? Plus, my folks have a similar room across the way. It only seems appropriate." Dan explained. "Well, if you're okay with it." Pat then said. "Absolutely, but we should go back to the main hall. I want to see if Jemma is okay." Dan then suggested. "Right, let's go." Pat agreed, before both men went downstairs to the main hall. 

"Do you think she's going to be alright?" Jen asked Ian. "Oh yeah, it was probably a minor possession." Ian replied to her. "Jemma? How are you feeling?" Jen asked her. "Better actually." Jemma said getting up. "Can I get you anything? Water or food?" Jen asked, concerned. "No, no I'm fine. I just got a small headache." Jemma told her. "You're recovering well for someone who was possessed only a few days ago." Ian told Jemma.

"Thanks, I guess. Is the guy I attacked alright?" Jemma asked Ian. "Uh, attacked?" Ian asked, confused. "Dan said I attacked Jen and Pat's cat-son, Cloud." Jemma recounted. "Oh, so that's what he told you." Ian said. "Oh, I'm so embarrassed! I owe Cloud an apology to his devilishly handsome face~" Jemma said, as the ghost said the last part. "Uh, Jemma? Are you okay?" Jen asked her concerned. "Heh, I'm always okay when thinking about Cloud. Especially his soft lips~" Jemma strangely said. "Jemma! Snap out of it, you're married!" Ian reminded clicking his fingers. 

"Huh? Huh?! What happened?" Jemma asked, panicked. "Hmm, interesting... It's seems you are still suffering from the effects of the possession." Ian told Jemma. "What does that mean?! Am I going to attack Cloud again?" Jemma panicked. "Attack isn't the word I would use for-" Ian cuts Jen off. "Jennifer!" Ian faked coughed. "Uh, oh right yeah. Let's keep you away from Cloud at least till we get this ghost out of you, Jemma." Jen suggested. "Okay. Just tell him that I'm so sorry." Jemma told Jen.

"Jemma, do you remember how this happened to you?" Ian asked her. "No, honestly I don't. Last thing I remember was sleeping with you guys and then waking up with everyone looking at me, also a big headache." Jemma recounted. "Alright, get some rest for now Jemma. Maybe Jen and I will take you for a walk later, to get you some fresh air." Ian suggested. "Thank you guys so much..." Jemma said before laying down and sleeping. 

"Jen, a word..." Ian briefly said to her, before walking away from Jemma, Jen followed. "We need to keep Jemma away from Cloud." Ian told her. "Well, it's not going to be a problem with that. Cloud is upstairs, traumatised about what he found out..." Jen told Ian. 

Meanwhile with Cloud... "I can't believe it... That ghost is trying to make Jemma cheat on Dan... And it wants me..." Cloud said to himself, having a bit of a mental breakdown.

"He is shocked that a ghost would take so much interest in him. Though, it isn't going into his head, he is just very uncomfortable with things right now..." Jen explained to Ian. "Good, at least he'll stay away from Jemma for now. Currently, it's bad for both of them as this is no possession spell." Ian told her. "You know that there's possession spells?" Jen asked him. "Yes but I don't have my potions to show you nor a volunteer." Ian answered. "I see. Well, we'll just have to keep a close eye on her." Jen suggested. 

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