Chapter 10 - Jen's jealousy

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In the cave, the strange woman was still hugging Pat until she saw the colour come back to his face. "He's warming up!" The woman informed, followed by Pat's groan. "Are you awake?" The woman asked him but Pat just groaned again. "I understand, you lost a lot of strength doing what you did. I still don't understand why you would do such a thing." She explained to then be encountered by Jen's glare.

"You're still staring at me..." The lady remarked. "Hmph, no I'm not." Jen denied, still glaring. "You are, your gaze is as bright as fire." She replied back. "That's not- I just-" Jen was cut off by the woman. "A gaze like a queen." The woman described. "Huh?" Jen asked, confused. "Something about your eyes, it's like a queen." The cloaked woman repeated. "What do you mean?" Jen questioned further. "Are you, by chance, a sorceress?" She asked.

"I thought this has passed me long ago. No, I'm not. But I've had experiences with Sorcerers and Sorceresses, so if my eyes remind you of a sorceress; then it's because of that." Jen briefly explained. "I see." The woman concluded. "You're friends with the wither skeletons here, aren't you?" Jen then asked. "I am, you seem rather calm about it." She answered. "I've heard rumours about the wither skeletons here, but like I said I've befriended many Sorcerers and Sorceress so any names of a mob wouldn't scare me like a normal human." Jen explained. "That's good..." The woman said before there was an eerie noise, which alerted the woman making her leave Pat. "Patrick, please wake up." Jen pleaded as he was still unconscious. 

The noises continued and the woman realised what this meant. "No..." She said to herself. "I thought, I had more time." She then said as the noised continued. "What's going on?" Jen asked her. "We need him to wake up!" The woman replied, frightened. "Why? What's wrong?" Jen asked, starting to feel uneasy. "Our king is here! If he finds him, he'll hurt him!" The woman warned running up to Pat. "What?!" Jen yelled, looking at her. "Wake up!" The woman yelled, hugging Pat in the process. "What are you doing to him?!" Jen yelled. "He needs more of my body heat!" The woman responded. "No, he doesn't! Hey, let go of him!" Jen yelled with jealousy kicking in.

Ian woke up in a cage and looked around to see more cages and a red cave. But what caught his eye was a hooded figure with white empty glowing eyes, staring at him. "You're the one who knocked me out, aren't you?! You're the one behind this!" Ian accused. "What. Do. You. Know?" The figure spelled it out to him in an eerie voice. "As if I would tell you!" Ian yelled. "You will tell me." The figure chuckled, before attempting to mind control Ian, making to scream in agony. "What are you doing?!!" Ian screamed. "Now, what do you know?" The figure asked him. "I... Will never tell you!" Ian yelled breaking the spell. "What? No... He must've cast a protective spell on you!" The figure yelled.

"Who are you talking about?" Ian asked the figure. "Silence!" The figure yelled. "Let me out of here! I swear when my friends find me, they will make you pay for kidnapping me!" Ian yelled back. "Shut up! You're more annoying than that stupid cat before!" They told him. "Stupid cat? Cloud?! You! You're the that altered Cloud's memory, aren't you!" Ian accused. "Aren't you a smart one? I'm proud to call you my nephew..." They chuckled, making Ian think about Cloud talking about the caretaker. "Why are you doing this?!" Ian asked but the figure started to walk away. "Where are you going?! Stop! Stop right now!" Ian yelled but then realised that his wand and potions are gone... (A/N: The person 'the figure' talked about was Adam or Skybrine)

With Jen and the woman, Jen was hugging Pat to warm him up until he started to groan a bit. "He's waking up!" The woman said surprised, hugging Pat. "Ugh... Jen? You feel so warm..." Pat said but to turn and see an unfamiliar face, laughing awkwardly. "Whoa, what the-? Who are you?!" Pat asked jumping out of her arms. "'You're so warm', what was that suppose to mean?" Jen asked behind him. "Jen! You're here!" Pat remarked. "Of course I am, remember?" Jen said with pure anger and jealousy.

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