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A/N: ok so I really like writing Bill and Eleven so here's another one hehe

Eleven's p.o.v

I sat in my fort, in Mike's basement. I had my arms crossed and a mad expression on my face. Mike had told me that he had friends coming from out of town today. I didn't like that. I have great friends. I don't need more.

I got up, and stomped up stairs. I stopped when I heard people talking. I opened the door, and brushed a few curls out of my face. Woah there was a lot more people coming over than I thought. I ran back to my fort.

"Hey El, are you ready to meet my friends?" Mike said walking down stairs.

I shook my head, and looked down. I heard people walking down stairs, talking. Ugh so annoying. I silently groaned. I looked up to see a boy who looked exactly like Mike, and smaller boy who was clinging to the Mike looking one. There was a girl with curly red hair, and a boy with curly hair. Then my eyes laid on a taller boy. He was so cute. My eyes widened, and j blushed when he looked at me.

"Uh, guys this is el." Mike said.

They all waved at me, and I shyly waved back. They all began talking to each other. I sat in my fort, alone. I sighed and just sat there. Just then the cute boy say in front of me.

"Y-y-you ok?" He asked, blushing.

I looked a bit startled. I nodded.

"I'm B-bill by th-the way." Why does he talk like that?

I smiled at him. I took in all of his wonderful features. His beautiful blue eyes, his soft brown hair. I could look at him all day.

"E-el you ok?" He giggled, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, yeah." I blushed harder.

We started to talk. It was nice. I loved hearing his relaxing voice. His stutter was so cute. I wonder why he talks like that? I caught myself staring at him again. I scooted a little closer to him.

"I like talking to you." I said, putting my hand on his.

Bill blushed and smiled. "Th-thanks."

The rest of the day we all hung out, and fell asleep around midnight. I found a spot next to Bill, and had pleasent dreams.

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