Michael's family story

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"Michael's pov"

"Hey Akanesu, I got season one through twelve of Supernatural, one of Walking Dead". I said as I walked to the door. I noticed that there were boxes and boxes throughout the house. "Gucci, Hot Topic, Chanel, shit these are all from expensive companies.

"well hot topic is a cool store to get stuff". I said. "hey babe, did you went shopping like you're not supposed to because I got your medicine with me. and on the way back I bought some stuff for us to watch" I yelled. "Like what". She yelled. "Supernatural and walking dead". I yelled back. "Oh, goodie". She said.

I was getting ready to get lost, but I soon found her. "Did you hear me". I asked. "Yeah, but I was distracted by this note was left behind by my father's courier". Akanesu said. "Wait did you say, courier. S-so you have rich parents". I asked. "Yeah, but I don't want to bring them into this. What about you, do you have parents". She asked. "I have parents but I don't want to bring them up". I said. "Why". She said. "Well, I don't talk to them".

"Do you remember how we met". I asked Akanesu. "No, do tell". She said, "For the record, I don't know anything about them cause all I know is that I was only given Michael because I was dropped off at some couple's house with some stuff I needed in the future". I said. "That just sucks Michael for not knowing your true parents, but then those people who take care of you as a family. Then what happened". She asked.

"Then years later my parents divorced and my sort of twin sister were separated while she went with mom and I was with dad". I said. "That is just sad again". She said

"Yeah And then he got remarried to my friend lamia, then had a kid with her, then divorced again, then she took me to Las Vegas". I said. "So is that how you met me". She asked. "Yeah, and then this happened". I said.

As I handed her the medicine. I ran to our room to put stuff down and ran back to the car because I also got more stuff. then with the money left in my wallet, I bought a record player because she begged me to get one when we first started dating.

When we were out. After plugging in the record player. Akanesu yelled at me to get all six of Taylor Swift albums. so I went to my job and went to pick up to my job the record store.

then I bought myself some heavy metal records there. then I was interrupted by Andy. "Hey Michael, did you get that shipping. what the fuck has happened to you". Andy said. "what do you mean Andy". I asked. "you look like you have seen a ghost, and why are you here". he said. "yeah, I know. I just came to buy some records for my girl and I want to ask something". I asked.

"yeah, go ahead". he said. "why the fuck is your record store, you fucking called it the record store". I yelled at him. "well, I was drunk and on drugs before buying it. since I don't remember when I bought it. I decide to name it the record store". he said. where does it say". I said laughing. "shut up, the papers are right in my office". he said as he went to his office, and handed it to me.

as I'm ready to read it, I was trying to hold myself from laughing. "dude you were so drunk that you named it 'THE RECORD STORE". I break out laughing. I went to pick up all of the records I needed. I started to pick up some bands my grandmother got me into.

As I randomly picked up albums. I looked back at what I grabbed. there's Metallica Ride the Lightning, Alice Cooper Welcome to My Nightmare, Oozy Osbourne the Ultimate Sin, Black Sabbath Paranoid, and other albums I grabbed and went to pay them. "That is going to be fifty dollars and twenty cents". Andy said.

After I paid him fifty dollars and twenty cents. I left the record store to go home. As I was walking to my car I was called by someone I haven't seen or heard in a while.

A/N: sorry for making this chapter. I hope next two chapters will be longer than this and thanks for the vote again. This is my first book (that my brothers keep on calling it a porno 😂😂😂.) if you think it is or not just mention it in the comments

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