the prophecy

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"Akanesu's pov"

The next week after having my skin shed and lightly pulled off by my darling. I decided to go to a library for nonhumans. I went to the desk helper. "Hi, I'm looking for a book of prophecy". I asked. "Sure thing sweety". Meg said.

Meg was a sweet old lady who looks like in her twenties. She took me to a place in the back of the library with names of different kind of nonhumans. "So here are all prophecies you've got lamias, mermaids, centaurs, harpies, minotaurs and other nonhuman species". She said.

"Thanks miss". I said. Call me miss Meg". She said. "Thank you miss Meg". I said. She handed me a key which she had different keys. "Here you go child". She said. "Thanks". I said

I soon opened up the bookcase and search for this prophecy that keeps on popping in my head when my father gave Andrew to tell me about the prophecy.


"Well, I heard about a story of a lamia who produced a male king". but that could be a children's story". Andrew said.

~end of flashback~

Back in the library, I pulled out a pen and paper to write down the words but they are in Latin. "Ugh, why does it have to be in a language I never really paid attention to". I said. But soon I looked at the words more it caused me to be confused.

"cubavit lamia et mater eius et conversus est homo in the primo trimester," I said.

After I left the library I kept talking to myself over and over of that sentence that said cubavit lamia et mater eius et conversus est homo in the primo trimester.

"why does it have to be in Latin. Just why". I said. I went home to sleep for at least days. We lamias can choose to hibernate for how long the days are we want it to be. So I chose at least four months. Soon darling came home. "I'm home akanesu". He said. " I'm going to sleep, wake me up in around four months". I said.

"Michael Pov"
"I'm home". I yelled. "I'm going to sleep, so wake me up in four months". She said. " b-but I just got here". I mumbled. Since I had to study them. I went to the library where she went.

"Hey, Meg". I said."Hey Michael, I remembered you when you were in elementary school when you were eleven and I was two hundred years old, so how's your father". Meg asked. He's doing great, and he moved to Canada". I said. "Awe, that's too bad and what do you want from here"? she asked. "I need books on lamas to study about them". I said. "Sure. They will be in the monster girl section near the dictionary on your right". She said.

After I went past the dictionary to get the book I'm looking for. I grabbed the encyclopedia and sat at the table. And searched for what I'm looking for. " Slime girl, Harpy, Centaur, Werecat, ah here it is Lamia. I grabbed my notebook and pen I usually write with. Time to write down what to do when dealing with a Lamia.

Fact number one. They like to heat so let one curl up to you but make sure they don't constrict on you. Fact number two. When Lamia's mate, they mate for at least hours and hours. Fact number three they like eggs and meat. So stock up on eggs.

I didn't want to write more because it was so boring like sitting in math class writing notes for class or any other class that has to deal with writing. So I left the library with that book to read more about them.

After that, I went to visit Mary, who works at the record store. "Hey Mary, how's it likes for me to get you this job". I said. " its worth it plus you can get discount as an employee for buying records and CDs". She said. "Well since Akanesu is asleep for four months. I have nothing else to do for those months.

After those months Akanesu woke up and grabbed me and pulled me into her arms. "Oh darling, I missed being awake with you and cuddling with you". She said. That was the last words she said before the phone rang to interrupt our conversation. "oh c'mon this sucks. why did the phone have to ring". I said. " well we have to see whos on the line". She said

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