New day

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I woke up in my new room and surveyed all the boxes everywhere. 'This is going to take ages to unpack.' I thought. I walked sleepily downstairs to where Estarossa was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"Meliodas, go wake up Zeldris then get dressed so you're not late to your first day at school." He told me and obediently I walked upstairs again. I knocked on Zeldris's room's door but Zeldris deliberately ignored me, the meanie.

The knocking persisted until Zeldris finally yelled "Alright! Alright! I'm getting dressed!". Satisfied, I got changed into jeans and a red top and hoodie, pulled on some trainers and walked downstairs. I sat down to eat breakfast, some bacon and scrambled eggs.

"So Meli, you ready for our first day at our new school?" Zeldris asked me at the end of breakfast.

"Nope," I signed. "Can we go now? I want to be in class before the others arrive, it saves any awkwardness."

"Sure, it sucks we're not in the same class anymore." Zeldris said as he got me my school bag. "It's not fair, your school life will change dramatically."

Rolling my eyes, I climbed into Estarossa's car and listened to my music the whole way there.

When I got out Estarossa guided me to the classroom and I sat down near the back. I was just listening to music when the bell rang and students filed into the class room.

The teacher got up in front of the board and coughed, catching our attention and I took out my headphones. "Hello, I'm glad to see that you bothered to come back after being expelled three times, Mr Ban Underwood." Miss Twig said, causing the students to snigger.

"Anyway, we have a new student joining our class today."   'Help, that's me, I need Zeldris.' I thought, panicking. Miss Twig continued, saying "His name is Meliodas Wrattan. Mr Meliodas, could you please come up here?" She looked expectantly at me.

Everyone turned to look at me. I'm pretty sure I started sweating slightly. "Now, Mr Meliodas." Miss Twig said sternly. I gulped and stood up. Instead of freaking out I smiled slightly, trying to relax. I walked down towards the front of the class. "Ah, hello Mr Meliodas, do you mind introducing yourself?"

I shook my head. "That wasn't a question, now introduce yourself." She commanded.

"Um, Hi, I'm Meliodas Wrattan, I just moved here from Danafor Kingdom." I signed. They looked at me blankly.

The man who I presumed to be Ban Underwood started laughing loudly. He said "Ha! He isn't saying anything, he just waves his arms about! Weirdo."

"Mr Meliodas, please use your words." Miss Twig said sternly. 'I need to get out of here.' I thought, panicky, and instead of panicking, I bolted out of the classroom, smiling slightly.

15 minutes later I'm sitting outside the school office next to Zeldris, who's holding my hand and calming me down while inside the office Estarossa has come to talk with my teacher and the Head teacher.

Miss Twig came out of the office first and walked up to me. "Sorry about earlier. I didn't know about your condition." She said.

"It's alright." I signed with shaky hands.

"He says 'It's alright'." Zeldris translates.

"I see what Estarossa meant by Zeldris needing to be in the same class as you to translate." Miss Twig muttered. "Would you like to come back to class, I'll give you a board you can communicate with."

I nodded. I let go of Zeldris's hand and walked beside the teacher.

Once in the classroom everyone looked at us. Miss Twig said "Mr Meliodas, why don't you write an introduction of yourself on the board." I nodded and wrote:

Hi, I'm Meliodas Wrattan and I moved here from Danafor Kingdom. I went to Danafor academy. I have two older brothers, Estarossa and Zeldris. We moved here because Estarossa got a promotion. They gasped when they read Danafors name, muttering to themselves.

"Can I sit down now?" I signed. The I remembered she couldn't read sign. I pointed towards the seats. "What? Oh, yes, go sit down." she said.

"Now, everyone before we get started, I need to say one thing. Meliodas has a special condition which makes him use sign language. Because of this, it does not mean he is different. Now treat him like any other regular student. Now, on to algebra." Miss Twig said. I winced at the word 'regular'. It was a word that would never ever be used to describe me.

Classes went by really quickly, besides all the stares I got from people. I never made any friends and sat with Zeldris and his new friends at lunch. I was the first one out from school and was waiting at the gate for Zeldris when I saw it was people from my class. It was Ban Underwood, Diane Envergreen, King Slothern, and a girl I didn't recognise. She had beautiful silver hair that covered one of her blue eyes.

"Well, if it isn't Meliodas Wrattan. The new mute boy." Ban chuckled. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, ignoring him. "What's so special about you, huh? You got a brain problem maybe?" He continued to list things that could be my problem.

I was more focused on the girl. She was signing things. Using Sign language! She said "Just ignore him. Don't do anything." She tactfully didn't say 'say'. "I'll lead them off in a minute."

"Hello are you listening, freak?" King said lazily.

"Um, Ban? I need to go for a study group so can we hurry up? I've got dinner with them as well and I'm going to be late." The Silverette said.

"Sure." He grunted. Diane waved as Elizabeth skipped off in my direction I was heading home. As they walked away Ban maliciously tripped me up so I dropped my phone. They laughed as they walked away. Suddenly Elizabeth ran back to me when the three turned the corner.

"I'm so sorry about that." She said and helped me up. "I'm Elizabeth, Elizabeth Liones. And your Mel- Meli-"

"I'm Meliodas Wrattan." I signed. I started walking home and she followed me.

"Do you mind if I walk home with you? I'm heading this way. It think." Elizabeth said.

"Sure. By the way what do you mean 'you think'?" I asked, confused.

"Well," Elizabeth said awkwardly. "Im supposed to go to a boys house to study and tutor but I can't remember his address. He lives near the park."

"What's his name? Maybe I might know his name."

"He's new here. We made a study group to help catch the rest of our friends up so they don't fail. His name is Zeldris Wrattan." She said this as we walked in front of my house.

I stopped. "This is it. Zeldris's house." We turned and walked in the house. I put my keys on the door when Zeldris walked in, going to the kitchen.

"Oh Elizabeth, I thought you were going to be late." He said to her casually. He then looked at me. "Meli wasn't bothering you was he?"

"I wasn't!" I protested. "Just walking home with her!"

"Bro, were you hitting on Elizabeth on the way home?" Zeldris teased, watching Elizabeth's face turn pink.

"No it was nothing like that, I was just-   wait you're brothers?!?" She said.

"Yup. Meli here's the youngest. Only about a month younger than you." Zeldris said.

"I didn't realise, you look so different." Elizabeth said.

"Not everyone does." Zeldris replied. " So how did you guys start talking?"

"Sins picking on him."

"Oh, the others are in the living room. Meli your going to be stuck in your room. We talk later." He glared at me, but more worried than annoyed.

I went up to my room and picked up my violin. I began to play, letting all of todays stress disappear. This is my only way to cope. But sometimes it's not enough. That's why I smile.

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