What happened Pt2 //// Zeldris ////

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"That's what he thought?!? Idiot!" Estarossa fumed.

"What does the rest say?!?" Gerharde said.

Just then the bell rang to say visiting hour was over. As we tearfully stood up Elizabeth said "I guess we'll find out tomorrow."

"What?!?" I asked.

"Well. Estarossa will pick us up at 8 and we'll go visit Meli. And then we can read the rest." Elizabeth smiled. She put it in her bag.

We drove home in silence and after dropping Elizabeth and Gerharde off we ordered a pizza. After eating it we went to bed almost immediately.

The next morning we picked Elizabeth up first. "I'm really sorry about what happened." Elizabeth's mother said. "Elizabeth was distraught when she came home. We hope he gets better soon." She gave us a bunch of daffodils to take with us.

Gerharde's Dad gave us some roses and said the same thing.

At the hospital we went straight to Meliodas's room. He had barely moved. We sat in the same spot and same positions as last night. Elizabeth took out the diary.

She opened it and began to read.

" When I came home the others where studying and practically ignored me like usual. I went through to the kitchen and grabbed my knife one of the only two things I can always truly rely on. I put a note to give them a hint. It said 'I'm done. - Meliodas. ' it's true.

I went up to my room and cried. I cried and cried as today's events replayed in my head. I cut as usual. But this time I made them deeper than usual. I'm going to play violin and then I will visit Mama, Da and Liz up with the goddesses. "

We were all crying lots by the end of this and after about ten minutes of crying  Estarossa suggested "why don't we get something to eat and calm down?"

Elizabeth sniffed and said "Sure." Gerharde nodded and got up to Leave with Estarossa and Elizabeth. I didn't want to leave but I did anyway.

At the café I ordered a hot chocolate for every one and Elizabeth said softly "Do you want to keep reading?" Once they arrived.

Everyone nodded and she opened the book once again.

"Dear Elizabeth, Estarossa, Zeldris, and Gerharde,

I have played my violin for the last time and the song I played was Titanium. I will remember all my memories of you before I pass. I am doing this for you, so you can be happy.

To Elizabeth, I dedicated my last song ever played. I played for you. The truth is I like you a lot, you could even say I grew to love you. It's just a shame I can't stay to attempt to ask you out. I will always think about you and our fun times together. To you, I leave the violin my parents gave me, and hope you will like it. "

I wiped a tear. "He left you his violin, Elizabeth." I smiled. She nodded and kept reading.

" To Gerharde, I give you my consent to date and marry and have a family with my brother and whoever you love. I thought about how you were adorable looking and told Ban to shut up all these months ago. In doing that, you earned my respect. I give you my jewelry box, the one with sunflowers engraved on it, in hopes that you cherish what you love with it."

It was Gerharde's turn to cry. "That bakka." She smiled sadly. "He's so cheesy sometimes. But it's beautiful."

" To Estarossa, I leave my katana you thought you lost when you were 12. I found it when we left Danafor. It was broken so I fixed it. I will miss you up there, not only were you my brother, you were my second father. I always admired my big brother and his courage. I hope the katana inspired you to always be brave and have courage. "

Estarossa wiped a tear and nodded for Elizabeth to continue.

" And finally, to my brother Zeldris. I dedicated my life to you. You were always my cool older brother who never gave up on me and left me alone at school when I got Scarlet Vocals. You were my best friend and I thank you for being there. So I give you this diary to do with as you wish and a large photo album filled with pictures of our friends and family. I only hope you look after it.

So to conclude my farewell letter I just want to say I love you all, you were my best friends and family and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I am doing this to make you all happy as I know you will be happier without me. I will miss you, but I'm sure I will see you again someday.

Lots of love,
               - your ever loving brother Meliodas X

It was my turn to cry and everyone joined in. We were getting up to leave when Elizabeth said "Um, there's a PS at the bottom."

Elizabeth read out what it said. It said :

" P.S. if I wake up alive I will throw myself out of the nearest high window. "

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