Epilogue //// Elizabeth////

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_-_-_-_ 6 years later _-_-_-_

I sighed sadly as I walked down the all too familiar path.

I reached the large metal gate and opened it. I walked slowly down the paths, weaving in and out the abundance of tombstones everywhere.

I walked for about ten minutes until I reached a gravestone. It was made of marble and next to a blossom tree. It read:
'Meliodas Wrattan
July 25th - November 3rd
Beloved brother and friend
Will be missed more than can say.'

I laid down my bunch of white roses, his favourite.

I began to just talk. "Hey Meli. I missed you this past month. I officially became an ambulance paramedic last week. It has been amazing."

"You missed little Melanie's first birthday on Tuesday. She looks so much like Zeldris. She has his hair colouring but Gerharde's eyes I think. Estarossa even skipped a meeting to be there. He's really busy, you know, with being the CEO of an electric company and all." I giggled.

I am now 20 years old and Zeldris and Gerharde are 21 while Estarossa is 28.
Gerharde and Zeldris got married at 19. Some said it was rushed but I disagree. They are totally loved up. They have a daughter now, too, Melanie. They named her after you slightly.

Estarossa is the CEO of a huge electric company and I am an ambulance paramedic. Estarossa is still single and I am too, though I like this boy named Arthur.

"Today is November 3rd, the day you passed away on impact after hitting the ground from falling off the third floor."I said. I visit on the 3rd of every month, no matter what.

It's only been 6 years but it feels like a lifetime I've been without Meliodas.

Ban moved when he found out and Diane and King changed schools. Ban dates Kings sister and Diane and King are engaged.

Though everyone was devastated when Meliodas died we continued on with our lives like he wanted.

"Meli, I still have your violin, and the others still have their gifts. I hope you hear me up there, and that the others will come soon." I smiled.

"Well I have to go Meli but I'll visit you next month with some more roses. Say hello to Liz for me." I said and I stood up.

As I left the grave yard I felt a breeze blow past and I knew in my heart that Meliodas was listening and was saying good bye.

"Good bye Meliodas." I whispered.

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