I'm Free ////Meliodas////

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I woke up slowly and looked around. I felt groggy and I saw my armed were filled with needles injecting stuff into my skin.

So I didn't die. I was in the hospital. I groaned inwardly and pulled out my hospital tubes. I swung my legs out of bed as a wave of pain hit me.

'I'm going to be free of pain soon,' I thought. I slowly stood up and the pain doubled.

I gritted my teeth and walked slowly towards the large window.

I made it to the window eventually and tugged on the handle. Luckily, they opened right out like the ones in Disney films. Seriously who puts that in a hospital?!?!

I calmly stood on the ledge. I was  on the third floor.

Thinking of all my happy memories I turned so my back was facing outside.

I smiled and said out loud "Every one forgive me. But I will be free."

I smiled calmly and thinking of all my  happiest memories,

I leaned backwards...

And let myself fall off the edge, smiling.

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