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(Back to Meliodas's P.O.V)
I woke up with the most painful sore throat I've had ever. I had a slight pain on my neck and when I felt the plaster I knew what had happened. It hurt to breathe. I sat up and spotted a note. It was sitting next to a large bottle of water and some painkillers.
It said:

Meli, take the tablets and drink every drop of water in this bottle and then come downstairs. Elizabeth, Gerharde and Zeldris should be in. I had to go to work though.

                              -Estarossa X

I smiled at the note and obediently took my tablets and drank the bottle. I   got changed into PJ s and then walked downstairs to the living room where Gerharde, Zeldris and Elizabeth were playing the Xbox.

They were playing a zombie killing game. Zeldris was winning and Gerharde was in a quick second. Elizabeth was losing miserably and kept yelling "Just die you stupid zombie!"

Eventually she got killed for the fourth time and flopped back on the beanbag. "I give up, that game is impossible." She sighed. Her eyes widened when she noticed me, smirking as I leaned against the counter, consuming another apple. (Just imagine him in cupcake PJ'S.) "Meliodas! You're awake!"

The others turned round and then I was against the wall being rugby tackled/ hugged by Zeldris. "Your awake!!!! You gave all the teachers a massive scare, bro."

Smirking, I replied "Well, I am pretty scary. But also pretty. Don't you think so Elizabeth?" I was in a playful mood, despite my face being on fire.

"Um, well- I mean ... Um-" Elizabeth stammered, blushing.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smirked. "I'm bored. What can we do?" I asked, sitting beside a pink Elizabeth.

"We could play a board game?" Zeldris suggested. Him and Gerharde sat down on one of the other beanbags.

"All of them?" I said hopefully.

"That would take until about ten at night!!!" Zeldris exclaimed.

"They could have a sleep over! Since it's Friday!" I asked. "I asked Estarossa and he said yes."

"No way." Zeldris said. "Not after the last one."

"What happened last time?" Elizabeth said. She was leaning forward  so I could see directly into her cleavage. She big boobs.

"His old friend was there and he had to much sugar and did-" He was cut off by Elizabeth screaming with a bright red face. Why? I was squeezing her breast.

"MELIODASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gerharde screamed. I giggled inwardly and ran around the house, being chased by Gerharde.

"-That." Zeldris finished, sighing. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Elizabeth said. "I guess Gerharde and I should be going now." She told Zeldris standing up.

"Why?" Zeldris asked.

"We need to get our things if we're staying overnight won't we?" Elizabeth beamed.

"Yay!" I cheered happily. Zeldris fell back onto the beanbag in defeat. "Remember to bring lots of sweets!!!!"

Once A furious Gerharde and a blushing Elizabeth left my house Zeldris looked at me. "Now what are we going to do?"

"I'll get the snacks and board games and you build the sleeping fort and the beanbag campfire." I smiled. He nodded and got to work.

I ran into the kitchen. I grabbed all of our sweets. Gummy bears,Haribo's, Maynard's, chocolate, sherbet. You name it we had it. I then grabbed as much crisps as I could find. And all of our dip flavours.

I put them on the kitchen table and fetched our board games. There was about 10. Or 20. I wasn't sure. I put them all on the kitchen table and to my surprise the house was built.

There was a large floral sheet hanging up to make the ceiling then draped down to make a spacious tent big enough for 8 people not 4. It had pillows and duvets everywhere and lots of fluffy blankets and pillows. Oh and not to mention the huge teddies he stole from my room. My small TV was sitting inside the fort and there was a small lamp there too.

Outside the fort was the beanbag campfire. It was a small games table with lots of beanbags and blankets everywhere surrounding it. He shut the curtains and put the lamps on to give it a cosy look, even though it was only around 3 o'clock.

"And done." Zeldris said, smiling when he came into the living room. He was wearing blue PJ's with stars on them. We were eating chocolate when Elizabeth and Gerharde came in five minutes later.

They were in long jackets. "I hope you don't mind, we got changed into PJs before we came." Elizabeth said when they took their jackets off. She was in a long sleeved light pink frilly nightgown.

"Wow, you guys really like sleepovers." Gerharde gasped, looking around the room. She had on a mint green playsuit.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's play some games!" I squealed childishly.

As Zeldris had predicted, it was 10 o'clock at night when we finally finished all 24 games. I won 16, Zeldris won 4, Elizabeth 3, and Gerharde won only once. After the games we had consumed most of our snacks. We retreated to the sleeping fort and put on a movie, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone.

Within minutes everyone was asleep. Gerharde was leaning on Zeldris. Elizabeth was asleep with her head on my stomach. I don't know why but something about Elizabeth made me feel funny. I got butterflies whenever she touched me. Feeling happy for the first time in weeks, I fell into a contented sleep.

I'm naturally a light sleeper so I woke up when Gerharde and Zeldris started talking. I, being nosy, listened in on their conversation, watching them through half shut eyes so it looked like I was sleeping.

They were talking about school until Gerharde said "Um, Zeldris? I want to tell you something." Was she... Blushing?!?

"Sure. Actually, me too." Zeldris said. Was he blushing? Was everybody blushing these days?!? Seems like it.

"You go first." She said to him.

Zeldris started saying "Well, um.. you see- I-"

"I really like you." She blurted out. Gerharde's cheeks blushed light pink. She twirled her light brown hair round her fingers.

"I really like you too." Zeldris said. Knew it. "I thought you might not like me back."

"Well I do so um-" Gerharde was cut off by Zeldris kissing her. She looked shocked but started kissing back.

Then they got up to leave, blushing like tomatoes.

Grinning like a madman, I fell asleep.

The next morning when we were eating breakfast I casually said "So, tell me Gerharde, is Zeldris a good kisser?" With my infamous smirk.

"W-wait, you saw that?" Gerharde stuttered and Zeldris blushed red.

"Wait," Elizabeth said slowly. "Did I miss something last night?"

"N-nothing." Gerharde said but I interrupted, saying

"Actually, Gerharde and Zeldris kissed last night. And confessed."

"Oh, I see." Elizabeth calmly said and put down her toast. She stood up and promptly yelled

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL MEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!?!??!?!?!"

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