Bonus: OC profiles!

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Nate: Height: 5'6" Weight: 154 lbs Age: 15 Hair Color: Black Relatives: Older brother

Likes: Swimming and drama/soaps Dislikes: Studying, spoilers, and anything scary

Weapon: Club Partner: Hory

Hory: Height: 5'4" Weight: 160 lbs Age: 15 Hair Color: Light Brown Relatives: Mother and Father

Likes: Bowling, cosplaying and anything scary Dislikes: Being patient and eating carrots

Club Miester Partner: Nate

Mimi: Height: 5'4" Weight: 110 lbs Age: 16 Hair Color: Red Relatives: n/a

Likes: Shooting video games and sugary foods Dislikes: Made fun of her height and bugs

Bow Miester Partner: Goe

Goe: Height: 5'8" Weight: 118 lbs Age: 15 Hair Color: Gray with blue streaks Relatives: Mother and two older sisters

Likes: Painting, tea, snakes, complements on height Dislikes: Not getting attention, seafood, and coffee

Weapon: Bow Partner: Mimi

I'm sorry if you guys were expecting a chapter instead of this, but i'm currently editing the chapter before posting. Also, don't expect me to show you guys Jyin's information so soon. I'll leave you guys with this:

Height: 6'1" Weight: 167 lbs Age:??? Hair Color: Crimson Relatives:???

Likes: Fighting and learning Dislikes: DWMA, miesters and others overpowering him


With that i'll end this chapter and i'll post the next one hopefully soon. Thanks for reading as always and enjoy the last week of 2017!

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