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"You have no need to waste your time over here. Ian and I can handle interogation on our own."

"I'm here because I want to be. Do you have a problem with that?"

Leon's voice!

"Don't you need to plan our next action?"

"I'll do it later."

I struggled to open my eyes and blinked, trying to focus. The light was hurting my eyes and I could feel my head throb. I groaned loudly and sat up in bed, which proved to be a bad idea. As soon as I sat up my head started hurting worse.

"Ah, you are awake", Leon said to me with a smile.

"Leon...why did you hit me on my head?", I asked in a whiny tone.

Just then the guy standing behind Leon raised his hand, grinning, "actually it was me!", and said it all too enthusiastically. As if he was proud of what he had done.

I gave him a glare. I'll get him back. I'll definitely get him back, I thought to myself before turning my attention back to Leon.

"Anyways Leon, what is this place? And why are you wearing such weird clothes", I asked the things that had been on my mind for a while.

"My name isn't Leon. I'm Vincent. What do you mean 'what is this place'?", Leon said and then after thinking a bit added, "and my clothes aren't weird at all!"

If anything, he had made me just more confused. I snorted, "yeah right, if you aren't Leon then why do you have silver hair and---", I trailed off as I reached up my hand to gently touch a strand of his hair.

They are so soft. Leon's hair were a bit rougher. Weren't they?

I spoke my thoughts out loud, "did you start using a new shampoo?"

Leon grabbed onto my hand that was touching his hair, and annoyance was apparent on his face. He tightened his grip and I involuntarily winced.

"Don't touch me without my permission", he said in a cold tone and finally let my hand go.

Leon would never be this rough.

I got really angry and frustrated. A tear fell down my cheek as I glared at him, "I'll touch you whenever I want! Who do you think you are?", and with that I started poking his thigh.

Apparently that was not the best thing to do. In a swift motion I was pushed back onto my bed and my head started hurting me worse. Leon had a grip on both my wrists and was glaring at me.

I'm scared.

But there was no way I'd let it show. I stared at his face.

"Don't touch me!", he said in a loud tone.

"But Leon-----"

"And for the hundredth time, I'm not Leon! ", he let go of my hands and turned his back on me.

I pouted and said in a low voice, "but you only said it once."

"What was that?", he turned back to glare at me. Without waiting for an answer, he sighed and stated to the guy standing nearby, "deal with this mental case", and left.

"Who's the mental case!?", I called out after him.
Maybe he isn't Leon?.....No way, he must be pretending, I frowned staring at the door.

One of the guy's left and the other one came and sat near me. He smiled gently. I looked at his features. He was quiet handsome with blonde hair and gentle light blue eyes.

"There there", he patted my head in an attempt to calm me.

"I'm not a cat", I said with a frown.

He just smiled at my remark and said,"he's just shy around women. Vincent, I mean. Don't think badly of him. He's actually nice."

"Vincent?", I asked puzzled.

"The guy you were calling Leon. His name is Vincent though."

"But he looks like Leon."

"Yes, but he's Vincent."

"But he---"

"Maybe they are lookalikes?", the guy in front of me suggested with a smile.

I sat quietly for a moment, thinking about it and finally said, "maybe....Leon was much nicer, and well Leon said he was going away. I guess maybe he's not Leon then."

I pulled my blanket over my head and sighed. I was feeling so lost and confused.

"Young lady?", the guy sitting next to me pulled my covers down. Apparently someone had no idea of personal space. I groaned.

He noticed the tears on my cheeks and frowned, "you are crying?", he asked.

"No, I'm leaking. There are holes near my eyes that just leak water at equal intervals", I said with a straight face.

The guy squinted his eyes and wiped the tear from my right eye and looked there to find the hole, "there's no hole here." He stated it with such seriousness that I ended up laughing.

"Of course there isn't", I said with a smile.

"Oh", he said before adding, "haven't introduced myself. I'm Erinor and what might be your name?"

"Elda", I replied with a smile. " I remember you calling Leon, I mean Vincent, Your Highness before, is he a prince or something."

Erinor laughed, "no no, not at all. He's just our leader."

"Leader?", I asked puzzled.

"You'll see."

"Oh okay", I sat up on my bed and then smacked Erinor's head.

He groaned and looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"That's for hitting me on the head. My revenge isn't over yet!"

Erinor grinned clearly amused, got up and placed some clothes near my bed side.
"Wear these when you get better. Your's are all dirty. I'll interogate you later. You look tired."

"Are you leaving? But I still have questions."

"Like what?"

"Like where the hell am I?"

"In the Dragon's Forest?"

"Oh...do you know how I can get to Canada from here?"

"I know of no such place."

"How can you not know of Canada?"

"I know all the places in this world but there's none that is named Canada", he left after saying that and closed the door.

I kept staring at the door with a confused expression.

No Canada, and people wear weird clothes, which place did I end up in? It can't be a completely different world right?

I decided to sleep on it since my head was spinning.

If you liked it, then don't forget to vote and comment. I'd also love it if you could give me suggestions on how to make myself better.

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