When I came to, I was lying near a tree on soft grass. I looked around, dumbfounded.
What? Where am I?
It looked like a forest or something.
Knew it. I knew that I'd lose my sanity soon enough. Finally happened, huh?
I got up, for some reason, my head was throbbing a lot and it hurt. I reached up my hand to touch my forehead and when I bought it down there was blood on it.
"I'M BLEEDING!?", I exclaimed in a loud voice and started panicking.
"I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding", I started mumbling like an idiot. Maybe the next thing I'd do is run around the tree in circles like some hooligan. It wouldn't surprise me.
"Ah what do I do?", while panicking I tore off a piece of cloth from my trousers and pressed it against my forehead.
Okay, applying pressure to the wound...check
I calmed down a bit in a few minutes and sat with my back against the tree and sighed. Now that I had calmed down memories of Leon came flooding back.
But where the hell am I? I don't remember coming here at all.
I decided to get up and look around a bit to figure out where I was.
I sniffed the fresh air, for some reason I wasn't wearing shoes.
Why the hell am I not wearing any shoes?, I thought to myself as I walked on the soft grass. It was sort of tickling my feet.
I walked for a while, probably an hour or so.
Could this day get any worse?
And just as this thought passed through my mind, my foot got stuck in some kind of rope.A scream had barely escaped my lips, and the next thing I knew, I was dangling upside down from a tree branch.
"I had to ask. What is this? Some kind of cliché TV show?", I mumbled furiously to myself.
"Help!", I shouted. I tried to swing my body towards my foot to free it from the evil clutches of the rope.
Almost there...just a little more
Unfortunately, all my swinging made the tree branch snap and I fell down with an embarrassing, "eeekkkk", kind of sound.
The fall reopened my head wound and gave me some other wounds in the process.
I struggled to get up by placing my hand on the tree trunk and ended up stepping on something sharp. The pain shot up my leg and I groaned.
My head was starting to feel really dizzy now.
This is not my day.
I was starting to feel dizzy and nauseous now. I fell on the ground again, face forward. My face hit the ground and it got covered in mud and bruises.
Now that I was on the ground the dizziness started subsiding a bit. I was unable to get up now.
After what seemed like ages, I heard some noises coming from nearby.
Someone is finally coming!
Wait what if it's a something and not a someone...uh looking at my bad luck today. I bet it will be a bear.
I started overthinking. The bushes in front of me parted and I could see feet. I turned my gaze up to see who the feet belong to.
My mouth fell open and I looked wide eyed at the face of the man standing in front of the other 2 men.
"Leon!", I cried out in pure joy, as I jumped up using my good leg and landed on top of Leon.
"Leon", I hugged him tightly with tears in my eyes. It was him, with his weird silver hair and beautiful greenish yellow eyes.
"The creature is attacking, Your Highness", one of the men standing near us spoke while snickering.
Just then, I felt something hit my head again and I tumbled to the ground in front of Leon. The other man standing near Leon had hit me with something.
My poor head, unable to take the multiple damage finally shut down. I went unconcious.
The last thing I heard was, my Leon saying, "you went too far."
Well this is the first chapter. I hope you like it and thank you for reading it.
I wonder if it might be a bit confusing and weird, well it will get less weird in the later chapters or maybe it won't.Stay tuned to find out what happens next on 'Firefly'!
If you liked it, don't forget to vote and comment ^.^

FantasiIn French there is this phrase, 'Ma Lumière', which translates to 'My Light'. Sometimes humans can be like fireflies...they shine for you and then they are gone. They always leave too soon. But the warmth, that is, the memories they leave behind, al...