"Ohhhh...Erinor! Ian!", I cried out when I spotted them walking through the hallway. They didn't turn towards me at my voice.
"I guess they didn't hear me", I saw them go out the door and decided to follow. I had nothing better to do.
They walked towards the forest conversing about something. I kept following them quietly. When they entered the forest, for a moment I contemplated about going in after them or not.
Why not? Erinor and Ian will be nearby, after all.
I followed behind them but ended up losing them. I tried searching for them but they were no where in sight.
"They were just here...where did they go?", I frowned while saying it out loud.
"We came from that direction soooo, I should just go back", I spoke out my thoughts.
I heard a noise from a nearby patch of trees.
"Ah! That must be them!", I happily ran towards the trees but stopped in my tracks when I saw what was making the noise.
It was a huge black creature with sharp claws. It growled as it's yellow eyes fell upon it's delicious prey. The prey was me by the way.
I turned on my heel and started running in the opposite direction.
Something caught the cloth at the bottom of my kimono. In my hurry I tugged hard at it, causing the bottom half of my kimono to tear away.
I kept running but the creature was gaining in on me. My foot got stuck in the extended roots of a nearby tree and I fell face-forward. This was enough for the creature to catch up to me.
The creature got on top of me and it's drool fell at the side of my head.
I was frozen in fear as I spoke, "someone...help", my voice came out low even though I had meant to scream.
Snap out of it! Don't panic!
I tried to reason with myself but I couldn't think of any way to escape. When the creature raised it's right claw to attack I rolled out from beneath it and successfully avoided the attack. I had planned to get up and run after that but the creature was too fast.
While I was getting up, it's claws passed through the side of my waist and I screamed. Atleast the wound hadn't been deep but it was still bleeding. I winced. After that the creature shoved it's arm in my guts. I landed against a nearby tree with a thud, coughing and hacking, trying to regain the breath that had been knocked out of me.
I closed my eyes as the creature swung it's claws at me again, as it was too late to move anymore.
Someone pulled me into a warm embrace and simultaneously I heard a loud groan. I opened my eyes to find Vincent hugging me. His back had been sliced through. There were deep cuts on it and blood was flowing out.
"V-vincent!", I cried out. He had shielded me and taken a full blow from the creature. He wasn't moving. He had apparently gone unconcious. I gently placed him on the ground on his stomach.
I spotted his sword near him and quickly pulled it out and, just as, the beast was attacking again. I stopped it's claws with the sword. I pushed at the sword, keeping it's claws at bay, away from Vincent.
I successfully pushed it's claws away and then plunged the sword through it's arm.
The creature hissed and backed away a little. I moved in front of Vincent gripping his sword tightly. My entire body was shaking with fear.

خيال (فانتازيا)In French there is this phrase, 'Ma Lumière', which translates to 'My Light'. Sometimes humans can be like fireflies...they shine for you and then they are gone. They always leave too soon. But the warmth, that is, the memories they leave behind, al...