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By: DamnCasifer

A vast field, spotted white

with the little tents

of vendors and campers alike,

Their vibrantly colored signs

and sparkly wares set in the sun

to capture the attention of passerbys.

Burning hot sandy paths

and coarse, sharp grass

are nothing to bare feet

as one runs around freely,

little care given to their surroundings.

The scent of fryers in the kitchen tents,

of smoke from fireplaces,

of flowery soaps and worn leathers,

of the dusty dirt and grand pines

All mixed together and carried

on the faint breeze,

giving one a sense of peace.

Gunshots and cannons,

chatty groups of people

and laughing children,

thumps of knives and axes on wood,

and the banging of metal on metal

Create a unique melody,

heard only if you listen carefully.

The familiar faces of long time friends,

seen but only once a year

is all the more reason one

waits in anticipation

to escape to this place,

cut off from the busy cities

and the problems of the world.

It is a place to relax and visit,

to share stories around the fires,

to run wild around the grounds

and cause mayhem.

The campers are your family,

And the camp is your home.

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