A Journey to the End

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By: Shinigami_Burr

The captain started on a ship so swift

He headed out to begin the journey

Here he will guide his men on a voyage

There is great danger, so he must hurry.

He shall travel the sea, far and wide

So he may find the treasure that awaits

With the help of his compass and map

He will surpass even the toughest fates.

Across the sea, shimmering and vast

He sees a wondrous creature drawing near

He yells across to his first mate,

“Hoist the colors, let's make it disappear.”

After the long journey across the sea

The captain and his crew made it to land

They journeyed through the jungle  

Just to find themselves surrounded by sand.

Until his first mate shouted with glee:

For just beyond a dip in the land sat a cave

They trudged on forward without stop

They hoped this dark cavern wouldn’t lead to their grave.

They lived to make it to their treasure that awaits

A chest with a magical aura full of wonder

It's Said to give eternal life to whoever acquires its gold

They grab it as they hear a giant clash of thunder.

They hurry back out to their ship

Multiple shouts of agony ring out

For whoever takes the gold

Will make a creature of pure evil sprout.

This is a creature that know no bounds

It will devour everything in its path,

And this group of pirates

just doomed the humans of this world of its wrath.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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