The Game to the Death

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By: Shinigami_Burr aka Sherlock

“What are you doing?”


“We’re being held hostage and you decide to raid the kitchen?”

“They didn’t say the fridge was off limits.”

“I'm pretty sure it was implied when they told us to stay in the room Alex.”

“Well, then why are YOU in the kitchen?”

“W- To make sure you don’t get yourself killed!”

“As you can see, I’m perfectly fine. So you can go back into the room and be a good, little compliant hostage.”

“Do you even understand the situation we are in? If they find us out of that room, they will kill us! So march your food-covered self down that hall and into that room!”

“But I don’t want to! It stinks like decaying bodies, it's too dark to see…...anything! The toilet probably doesn't even work. At least here I can see and have pizza.”

“The pizza is cold..”

“yeah, well I didn’t want to alert the psychos with using the microwave now did I.”

“If you-”

“You two are supposed to be in the basement.”

“Well maybe you should have locked the door then beefy.”



“You're gonna get us killed.”

“Well it's true, all they did was sit us in the middle of the room with our hands handcuffed behind us.”

“Yeah, but- Alex! Will you stop eating the freaking pizza!”

“But it's really good. Hey Beefy! Who made this?”

“Boss did.”


“And we are going to see him right now.”

“Hey! Hands off the merchandise.”

“For once,I agree with her.”

“Aw shucks...You're making me blush.”

“Can’t you be normal?”

“Nope, that sounds bori-”

“Shut up.”



“Yo, Beefy! Why’d you stop in front of a door? Do you not know how to open it?.....You're supposed to twist the knob and push.”

“I can open doors.”

“Then why are you waiting here and just staring at it.”


“I mean, it's kind of sad that you can't open doors, but you don’t need to feel ashamed. My cuz cant…..though that could be because he is only one.”


“Also, what kind of idiot boss would hire a dude that can’t open doors?”


“Yes Jamie? There is no need to yell.”


“I guess Im that kind of boss.’

“Oh….HI! Im Alex! One of your hostages! Nice to meet you!”

“Kill me now.”

“They just might. Oh! And this is Jamie!”

“Not helping Alex!”

“Nice to make your acquaintance, my name is Sebastian, and the one behind you is Claude.”

“I like Beefy better...Hey Beefy! Do you like spiders?”

“Why are you asking that!”

“Because if he does, then he is a demon, and we are in black butler.”

“You are insane!”


“Did you take your pills today?”

“No, I didnt get the chance since we got kidnapped by demons.”

“They aren't demons.”

“That sounds fake, but ok.”

“Well, if you two are done quarreling, come with me.”

“Yay! Someone who can open the door!....OW! What was that for Beefy?”

“You're annoying.”

“That's cruel!  And to think, I taught you how to open doors. Just goes to show how ungrateful humans are.”

“You're human too. Come on, we should follow Sebastian.”


“You want us to what now?”

“I want you and Alex to-”

“Ok! We'll do it!”

“Alex, no! It’ll get us killed!”

“Oh come on Jamie, live a little!”


“And that is what led us here!”

“It was a rhetorical question Alex, I know how we got here, I was with you.”

“I know, I was telling the dude hiding in the tree.”

“What do- HOW!?! When did he get there!?”

“A little before I started talking, I thought he would want to know why we are here.”

“You're trespassing.”

“Its ok dude in tree, Sebastian told us to come here.”

“Do you even know what is in the forest?”

“Uhh...Trees and tree dude?”

“Alex, not the time to be a smart alec.”

“No, this forest holds many secrets, secrets that’ll get you killed.”

“Hey! Tree dude, you came down from the tree!”

“Out of everything he says, you comment on what he does?”
    “Ooh, what's that behind you! Excuse me dude!”

“Alex! Don't just push people, it’s rude.”

“If you say excuse me, then it's not rude. Also, saying dude makes everything better.”

“Now what's with this pa-”

“Don't touch it!”

“Why not tree dude?”

“Because, the moment you do, it's like accepting your fate into a game to the death.

“Sounds fun!”

“Alex! Don-!”

“Hey, where is the static coming from?”

“The creator of the game...You guys are dead, bye.”

“Wait, come back.”

“Soooo, jamie…..I Screwed up again huh?”

“Yes you did, let's just hope we can get out of this one.”

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