Sakura, Kaho, the ritual and the gluttonous asshole

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Disclaimer: this is a non-profit fanfiction that does not attempt to infringe the rights of those who have legal ownership of the franchises: Harry Potter and Sakura Card Captors.

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Chapter 1: Sakura, Kaho, the ritual and the gluttonous asshole

The English countryside looked spectacular from teacher Kaho Mizuki's house. The owner of the cards clow, Sakura, still could not believe her luck, only a couple of weeks ago she together with her friend Rika Sasaki, had won a lottery prize consisting of visiting the English countryside, prize sponsored by the federation of traders of Tomoeda, and now both were in the house of their former teacher, who gladly agreed to provide their home for the event. The girls went from Japan to the United Kingdom accompanied by Miss Maki Matsumoto, who as an affiliate of the federation of traders was responsible for guarding the girls.

Professor Kaho discovered a spell, which could provide the Muggles, limited magical capacity and for this reason the presence of Sakura came as a ring to the finger. Card captor's best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, who was in Hong Kong at the time with her mother on a business trip, when she found out that her friend was going to the United Kingdom, also decided to fly on her private jet (her mother had another one for her), taking Meiling and Syaoran, promising them that they would have fun and that they would return soon.

So, the five boys enjoyed the stay when teacher Kaho told them she would have visitors to attend, a trio of boys studying at Hogwarts, a magic school in the country.

When they arrived, the teacher introduced her former students to the English trio. All together accompanied by Miss Maki, enjoyed a pleasant dinner and commented on the discovery of Professor Kaho.

"It is incredible that you have discovered a method for the Muggles to have magic, Professor Kaho," said Hermione.

The teacher replied: "By combining the magic of both worlds, that of Japan and that of the West, such a miracle can be performed."

Both Rika and Miss Maki already knew of the existence of magic because Kero had accidentally become Cerberos in front of them both once, in order to prevent them from being killed by a truck. But they were still surprised when they heard of the possibility that they too could make magic thanks to the discoveries made by Kaho, Meiling who also did not know how to use magic was also amazed.

"If it's all right with you, we can perform the ritual tonight," Kaho suggested.

They all nodded anxiously, eager to experience what it felt like to have some magic.

The magic ritual was prolonged. Sakura, Kaho and Cerberos, found themselves around the magic circle while Tomoyo, Rika, Meiling and Miss Maki were close to the center, in which the Sakura cards were deposited.

The three griffindors watched the process with astonishment (they had never seen a magic circle before), but after a while, Ron decided that he had had enough and went to raid the refrigerator of the house.

"Ron, don't be rude! Ask teacher Kaho for permission," Hermione admonished.

"And how do you want me to do that? Don't you see she's been in a trance for a long time," he said and left the room.

"Leave him. Hermione, I'm starving too," said Harry, her friend just shook her head.

The redhead returned after a couple of minutes loaded with various foods including a long chain of sausages. Harry was happy, but Hermione couldn't believe the brazenness of his friend.

The red-haired was stuffing himself with food when he decided to go and bother for a while and headed for Cerberos, pulling his tail.

"Ron, what the hell are you doing, stop it!" Hermione ordered him offended.

"But if he doesn't even notice it, they are all in a trance."

"Ron, listen to Hermione."

The redhead ignored and went to where Sakura, touching her cheek with his finger.

"Ron, stop it!" Harry yelled at him and went to his friend, who put the food on him.

In that moment the redhead stepped on the sausage chain that held Harry and slipped pushing Sakura and his friend towards the center of the magic circle. The girl fell face down and woke up from the pain.

"But what... Hey, what are you doing here" she told Harry that he had also fallen and that because his arms were full of food, he couldn't help hitting his face.

A very strong light came out of the magical circle which grew twice its size, finally the whole house exploded into a thousand fragments. Fortunately, all those inside the circle were unharmed.

Professor Kaho once awakened and upon learning that Ron was to blame for everything, she charged him.

Sakura and her friends watched with their eyes open like plates. The gentle teacher Kaho was furious and wanted to strike the redhead, but fortunately Miss Maki and Syaoran were holding her, they had never heard so many curses in their entire lives.

The Sakura cards had disappeared and Cerberos returned to their form of Kero.

Kaho explained to them that having broken the ritual, along with the entrance of food caused the Sakura cards to return to their primitive form of clow cards and that they went to the place that emanated more magic from the place... Hogwarts. There was no choice, Sakura had to start from zero and recapture the clow cards.




This fanfic was translated from Spanish into English using the DeepL program, and my knowledge of English. Forgive any grammatical and punctuation errors.

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